What have you just found out

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Share something you've just (or recently) found out

Anything. I'm bored... :kanyehmm:

I just found out Americans call Rockets, those chalky little candies, Smarties

Which has me wondering what they call real Smarties or if they even have real Smarties at all :cosbyhmm:


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
Patrick in spongebob lives under a rock....... let that sink in. HE LITERALLY LIVES UNDER A ROCK!

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
Just found this video and it had me feeling all kind of ways:banderas:


Nightline Kid

Hippo Crate
Share something you've just (or recently) found out

Anything. I'm bored... :kanyehmm:

I just found out Americans call Rockets, those chalky little candies, Smarties

Which has me wondering what they call real Smarties or if they even have real Smarties at all :cosbyhmm:

We have M&Ms but no chocolate Smarties.
People used to crush Smarties (American Smarties) and "smoke" them, like they'd inhale the Smarties dust and breathe it out
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