What happened to wasiir 30 jir letter?


Wasiir 30 jir is always quick to write letters but so far all of his letters have been treated as the squibbles of a toddler

Wasiir 30 jir recently said he fired Taliye Xijaar. yet we see Taliye Xijaar today addressing his officers. this comes after a long list of other failed letters 30 jir wrote.



wasiir 30 jir letter in which he said he suspended/fired taliye xijaar and named his deputy as the acting taliye. How does wasiir 30 jir plan to enforce this? does he plan to write another letter reinstating Taliye Xijaar since the firing did not work?

i wonder what goes into the mind of wasiir 30 jir. how can one man handle so much humiliation. i am now just waiting until wasiir 30 jir writes a letter firing president farmaajo and naming rooble as his successor.



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Madeira thought he was coming back too-can you tell us where he is today?-farmajo suporters are child like.-so becouse some old dude is holed up in villa somalia you think thats a win?


Madeira thought he was coming back too-can you tell us where he is today?-farmajo suporters are child like.-so becouse some old dude is holed up in villa somalia you think thats a win?

what do you mean where is he? you want Madeira to sit in your couch and eat your sandwiches? lol what kind of a ridiculous question is that. i have noticed Rooble bahaane's followers are QANON followers they believe in alternative facts.

AU themselves wrote a letter saying baahane has no jurisdiction

and here is their website listing Madeira as Head



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
Why the fantasy bro? No amount of reposts will help-Reality is set in stone there will be no madeira-Thats it.
Wasiir 30 jir is always quick to write letters but so far all of his letters have been treated as the squibbles of a toddler

Wasiir 30 jir recently said he fired Taliye Xijaar. yet we see Taliye Xijaar today addressing his officers. this comes after a long list of other failed letters 30 jir wrote.


Even Baahane had to go and meet with Xajaar after he requested Halane intervention, and they told him he needs to work with the police chief on election security.


Speaker Aadan Madoobe meeting with taliye xijaar about the presidential elections security. Baahane is officially finished good riddance to bad rubbish!



Xagar Badhaadhe Bu'ale
If Roble was weak you would not be hating on him
Fahad yasin gone
Garbahareey gone
Madeira gone
If all you have left is xijaar by all means have at it