what do you think the next war will be


1. France civil war- muslims vs everyone
2. Egypt and sudan vs Ethiopia
3. US civil war: Far right vs left
4. somalia- business as usual
5. Nato vs Turkey
6. USA vs Russia
7. China vs USA
8. Somalia vs Kenya


Kick in the door wavin the .44
I thought Sudan and Ethiopia were buddies now over this dam situation.

Why Kenya and Somalia? I didn’t realise we were beefing more than usual.

Azerbaijan vs Armenia
India vs China?
Wasn’t something brewing in Libya?

Everyone’s at war it seems.


I thought Sudan and Ethiopia were buddies now over this dam situation.

Why Kenya and Somalia? I didn’t realise we were beefing more than usual.

Azerbaijan vs Armenia
India vs China?
Wasn’t something brewing in Libya?

Everyone’s at war it seems.
its obv when the dam fills up everything downstream is gonna be dry as lips and the water poor quality. adeer sam is already gonna back Egypt and Sudan's gonna side with their new american daddy.

As soon as somalia gets xoog you think we wont punish these adoons for everything theyve done

Also china would crush India theyre playing 4d chess

Libya is finished i only see flashbacks in a certain someones spoiler


my theory is that the West is going to go to war with Turkey. They don't want an Islamic resurgence.
I feel like Russia wont actively back Turkey even tho they supply them with the latest anti aircraft missile system its obvious in the armenia vs azerbaijan war they were the "middle men"

they might just be like hyenas waiting for a opportunity

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I feel like Russia wont actively back Turkey even tho they supply them with the latest anti aircraft missile system its obvious in the armenia vs azerbaijan war they were the "middle men"

they might just be like hyenas waiting for a opportunity

I don't think Russia will but I think China will. If the West goes to war with Turkey, I have no idea what the outcome would be.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
1. France civil war- muslims vs everyone
2. Egypt and sudan vs Ethiopia
3. US civil war: Far right vs left
4. somalia- business as usual
5. Nato vs Turkey
6. USA vs Russia
7. China vs USA
8. Somalia vs Kenya

Iran vs Gulf middle east


Iran vs Gulf middle east
i forgot that one
but the khaleejis are fulays they would never start a war on their own- reminds me of when iraq took over kuwait in less than 2 days:mjlol:

theyll wait till USA directly attacks iran and khaleejis get used as foot soldiers
China vs USA and maybe even US civil war, I don't think Farmajo has the guts to go to war with Kenya im hoping for Egypt vs Ethiopia or Ethiopian civil war as long as people don't start fleeing to the somali region, Sudan is too weak to wage war they'll probably be a launching pad for Egypt, French civil war is out of the question the Muslims don't have enough numbers there
Where will Egypt and Ethiopia fight since Ethiopia is landlocked? I doubt South Sudan will allow Egypt to cross them, same with Eritrea.

Maybe Somalia will be stupid to allow this?


Those rooting for Egypt , just know you're as stupid as a Hyena's futo, I'm sorry but

What makes you think your tribal enclaves are safe from the hordes of Ethiopian refugees , if an all out war breaks out I'm not only talking about the cowards Egyptians carpet bombing the dam but financing the instabilities , internal conflicts civil war etc.

To answer your question @Distant1 yes are our so called government officials have the brains of a five year old , they're stupid enough to let the Egyptians use our land as a base launching pad , these sellouts on't care about the integrity , the welfare of the citizens they secure their own interests and sell you out ,
Look at our situation and question yourself do they have any sort of dignity , no , not even a backbone ,
So whenever a bribe is offered , it's the only thing the spineless politicians what can only comprehend due to their pea sized brains .You can resent your neighbours , despise them or hold grudges but they are no different from the rest of Sub-Saharan stooges , it's best to steer clear but I doubt the immoral delinquents will ever do so also they have a soft spot for Arabs kkkkkk
like the cabiid and their sayid
We knew Sudan was Egypt's little puppet but we have bigger es in villa Somalia
They never think about the consequences
@adam hassan
Those rooting for Egypt , just know you're as stupid as a Hyena's futo, I'm sorry but

What makes you think your tribal enclaves are safe from the hordes of Ethiopian refugees , if an all out war breaks out I'm not only talking about the cowards Egyptians carpet bombing the dam but financing the instabilities , internal conflicts civil war etc.

To answer your question @Distant1 yes are our so called government officials have the brains of a five year old , they're stupid enough to let the Egyptians use our land as a base launching pad , these sellouts on't care about the integrity , the welfare of the citizens they secure their own interests and sell you out ,
Look at our situation and question yourself do they have any sort of dignity , no , not even a backbone ,
So whenever a bribe is offered , it's the only thing the spineless politicians what can only comprehend due to their pea sized brains .You can resent your neighbours , despise them or hold grudges but they are no different from the rest of Sub-Saharan stooges , it's best to steer clear but I doubt the immoral delinquents will ever do so also they have a soft spot for Arabs kkkkkk
like the cabiid and their sayid
We knew Sudan was Egypt's little puppet but we have bigger *****es in villa Somalia
They never think about the consequences
@adam hassan


im pretty sure there will be conflict in the futures

and there’s 100 million Ethiopians , you can see how many will move
I thought Sudan and Ethiopia were buddies now over this dam situation.

Why Kenya and Somalia? I didn’t realise we were beefing more than usual.

Azerbaijan vs Armenia
India vs China?
Wasn’t something brewing in Libya?

Everyone’s at war it seems.
The dam will benefit Sudan but they aren't siding with Ethiopia because they have more to benefit from being on Egypt and the US' side.
Those rooting for Egypt , just know you're as stupid as a Hyena's futo, I'm sorry but

What makes you think your tribal enclaves are safe from the hordes of Ethiopian refugees , if an all out war breaks out I'm not only talking about the cowards Egyptians carpet bombing the dam but financing the instabilities , internal conflicts civil war etc.

To answer your question @Distant1 yes are our so called government officials have the brains of a five year old , they're stupid enough to let the Egyptians use our land as a base launching pad , these sellouts on't care about the integrity , the welfare of the citizens they secure their own interests and sell you out ,
Look at our situation and question yourself do they have any sort of dignity , no , not even a backbone ,
So whenever a bribe is offered , it's the only thing the spineless politicians what can only comprehend due to their pea sized brains .You can resent your neighbours , despise them or hold grudges but they are no different from the rest of Sub-Saharan stooges , it's best to steer clear but I doubt the immoral delinquents will ever do so also they have a soft spot for Arabs kkkkkk
like the cabiid and their sayid
We knew Sudan was Egypt's little puppet but we have bigger *****es in villa Somalia
They never think about the consequences
@adam hassan
That's why i only support it if we were strong enough to fend off a wave of them resettling into the ogaden region

