What do you prefer darkskin or light skin Xalimo?

Dark vs light

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Dark skin Halimos slept on their curly hair looks so exotic with their skin tone. Girl like this will be future of somali models

my nigga that’s a child
I am against light skinned girls these days cuz of naagaha is cadeeya; otherwise, it doesn't matter as long she is quruxleey.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Haven’t seen this thread in a long time
Your cousin is part of the minority/exception, the average Somali looks more Black or Bi-racial looking. Her look is more common amongst peninsular Arabs and Egyptians etc.

Average Somali females:
This is what arab ass licking does to a nigga. You will never find that look in Egypt or in Peninsular Arabs? She looks Somali. This nigga worships people he’s never seen.


The most hated man in here
Your cousin is part of the minority/exception, the average Somali looks more Black or Bi-racial looking. Her look is more common amongst peninsular Arabs and Egyptians etc.

Average Somali females:
None of these girls look beautiful 😂 ugly ass girls


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
Dumb question skin tone ain’t even a factor when I’m choosing. There’s good and bad lookin women in all shades.

