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Dhulbahante Mujahid //Anti Qabilnimo// Pro Shariah
Tawheed is explained well in Aqidah At-Tahawi, I don't believe in the version Muhammad Ina Abdul wahhab postulates that Tawheed is based on three: tawheed rububiyah, tawheed uluuhiya and tawheed asma wal sifaat, as this concept put forth by salafi reformists today has no history in the literature of the khalaf nor the salaf.

:lolbron: Now i''ve seen everything! This Sufi grave worshipping ant trying to take on a giant like Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab.

You are better off trying to headbutt the mountain in order to get it to move. :mjlol:

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
:lolbron: Now i''ve seen everything! This Sufi grave worshipping ant trying to take on a giant like Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab.

You are better off trying to headbutt the mountain in order to get it to move. :mjlol:
Subhanallah, all he did was cite one of the best books of Aqeedah and you called him a grave worshipper (i.e a kaafir mushrik). The khawarij have no bounds it seems, anything they dislike is a kaafir, deviant, mushrik. No akhlaaq, no manners whatsoever, just a bunch of thugs who failed school, watch a few jihadi videos then think they are the only ones upholding the deen, later they fall off the deen and are the ones who become apostates.


Dhulbahante Mujahid //Anti Qabilnimo// Pro Shariah
This is what he posted in another thread, listing his Sufi scholars. Like Muhammad Alawi Al Maliki the one who use to lie about the Prophet and of who there are many fatwa's written about him by the Ulama.

They never read classical magnificent works such as the Ihya of Imam ghazali, or the shifa of Qadi Iyadh, or The lives of man by IMAM Al haddad, or even recent great works like the perfect man by Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al Maliki, they always listen to these tin pot kharijites and the Saudi scholars.


Habar Magaadle
Sayyid Muhammad Alawi Al maliki rahimahullah was subject to vile smear campaigns in wahhabi Saudi Arabia because of his strong stance in sticking to the tradition, now you have ants like this man who accuses him of lies, hold your tongue, for he was a scholar of high calibre, and is from the children of Rasulallah (pbuh)

This man was a giant and is no doubt one of the great scholars over the last 100 years, the salafis hate him because of his unwavering stance in remaining and defending the ahlul Sunnah, do not believe concocted lies made of him.


Dhulbahante Mujahid //Anti Qabilnimo// Pro Shariah
The Sufi's almost worship this mushrik Muhammad Alawi Al maliki who practised and taught shirk in uloohiyyah and asma wa al-sifaat.


Habar Magaadle
I advise you to hold your tongue of declaring a deceased scholar of Islam a mushrik, these have grave implications for you..

For this intellectual daring Sayyid Muhammad was reviled by the house of Najd and called a "deviant". He was banned from teaching in the Haram. His books were prohibited and his professorship at Umm ul-Qura terminated. He was arrested and his passport confiscated. Yet through it all, Sayyid Muhammad did not show any bitterness.

He never used his intellect in anger, but channelled it into empowering others with `ilm and tasawwuf. When the Salafi-Wahhabis banished him, he wrote even more books and created his own Zawiyyah which became the "United Nations" of the `ulama.

Eventually, uproar in the Muslim world forced the Salafi-Wahhabis to stop silencing the Maliki madhhab's most famous contemporary scholar. Some even began to patronise him, others hated him even more.

Their jealousy was driven by the fact that Sayyid Muhammad al-Maliki was more than their match. Almost single-handedly, he took Sunni Islam out of the hands of the neo-Kharijite Salafi-Wahhabis and placed it back in the hands of the majority.

Through his many towering works, he injected much-needed confidence into the debate when the ignorance and self-ijtihad of the pseudo-traditionalists were beginning to poison mainstream Islam.

I could go on and on. Sayyid Muhammad achieved many things in his sixty brief years with us. His life was certainly not just about fighting Wahhabis. It was his ability to see the good that so touched
the heart.


Rag waa shaah dumarna waa sheeko.
Asalam Aleikum

@Iftiin walaal you need to calm down and look at things from a different angle, things aren't black and white, rushing to judgement and only taking rulings that seem to support your viewpoint while disregarding other rulings only leads to problems. Esp when it's about a delicate issue such as this one. Waa laga ficanyahay sxb

Is there any specific reason as to why you choose this speaker ? they're numerous other speakers who're better suited and more knowledgeable than him so why him if you don't mind me asking.

What people need to understand is that rulings differ due to circumstance and where one applies another will not, that's why a specific ruling has to be in place that addresses the issue at hand. Citing the principle of "choosing the lesser evil" is another example where there's a lot of misunderstanding as the principle itself isn't applicable to each and every situation. Sometimes it doesn't matter whether you choose the lesser evil as it will have no effect or impact on the final outcome

Instead of arguing past each other why not look at the evidence presented and then make decision on it without being biased this goes to everyone myself included.

Waad Mahadsantihin

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
There are two pillars of Tawheed (La ilaaha Illa Allah). The first consist of denial of all that is worshipped besides Allah, while the latter consist of the affirmation of Allah as the only one worthy of worship.

– La ilaaha which is **Al Kufr Bil Taghout** (Rejection of Taghout)
– Illa Allah which is **Al Emaan Billah** (Belief in Allah).​

What is Taghout?

Allah Almighty said:

“There is no compulsion in the deen, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path, whoever rejects taghout, and believes in Allah, he has got a firm hold of the most trustworthy handhold that will never break, and Allah is the All hearing, all knowing.” (Baqarah 2:256).
The right path being distinct is the Prophet (peace be upon him) coming. The most trustworthy handhold is La ilaaha Illa Allah [Tafseer of: Ibn Mas’oud, ibn Abbas and Ali (ra)] Taghout is - “Anything that has been worshipped or obeyed or followed or submitted to instead of Allah The Most High”

Taghout could be:

– A person male or female etc e.g. a king (Tony Blair, George Bush, Ataturk etc.) or a Jinn- Shaytaan- Rocks Idols, Law and order/Ideas, Trees and crops, Animal, Doctor, Objects, Anything else that is worshipped instead of Allah Almighty.
The heads of Taghout:

1. Shaytaan who calls you to obey, worship or follow different from Allah (Can be Iblees, Jinn or Man); Allah Almighty said: “Did I not command you O children of Adam? That you should not worship shaitan, verily he is a plain enemy to you. And that you should worship me alone, that is the straight path. And indeed he did lead astray a great multitude of you, did you not, then understand?” (Yasin 36:60- 62)

2. The ruler who replaces the shari’ah (The laws of Allah) with other laws. Allah Almighty said: “Have you seen those who claim to believe in what was sent to you and sent down before you? And they wish to go to judgement in their disputes (At Tahakum) to the Taghout while they have been ordered to reject them, but Shaytan wishes to lead them far astray.” (Nisaa 4:60)

3. Whosoever judges different from what Allah revealed Allah Almighty said: “Whosoever Judges by other than what Allah revealed is al-Kafirun” (Ma’idah 5:44). The meaning here is the judge or the ruler or any similar. Also any person who rules/judges by other than what is revealed even in his own home is Kafir.

4. Anyone who claims that he knows the ghaib instead of what Allah has informed us Allah Almighty said: “(Allah) is the all knower of the Ghaib, and he (Allah) does not reveal to anybody, the ghaib.” (Jinn 72:26) Allah Almighty said: “And with him (Allah The Most High) are the keys of the Ghaib. None knows it but he, and he knows whatever is in land and the sea; not a leaf falls but he knows it, there is not a grain in the darkness of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is written in a clear record.” (An’am 6:59)

5. The one who has been worshipped instead of Allah and he consents to be worshipped Allah Almighty said: “And the one who claims “I am an Ilah” we will reward him with hellfire this is how we reward the oppressors.” (Anbiyah 21:29)
The five conditions of al-Kufr bil Taghout:

1. To believe that the worship of Taghut is Baatil (false, useless). The way you declare kufr in Taghout is to first to believe that it (taghout) is falsehood. Allah Almighty said: “That is because Allah – he is the truth, and what they invoke besides him, it is Batil. And verily, Allah – he is the most high, the most great.” (Hajj 22:62)

2. To keep distance from taghout (Ijtinaab ut taghout). It is essential that we distance ourselves from All Taghout, Allah Almighty said: “And verily we have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (alone), and keep distance from Taghout.” Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied.” (Nahl 16:36)

3. Declaring animosity towards taghout (Al ‘Adaawa lil taghout). You Must Hate Taghout and declare war on Taghout, Allah Almighty informed us about Ibrahim (peace be upon him): “Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: “Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone…” (Mumtahinah 60:4)

4. Hatred (Al Bugdh). There is no way for a believer to believe in Allah Almighty and love Allah Almighty, and also love the shaytan, or any other taghout. But rather we must hate those who hate Allah The Glorious, and we must hate all Taghout. Allah Almighty said: “Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibrahim and those with him, when they said to their people: “Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you hostility and hatred forever until you believe in Allah alone…” (Mumtahinah 60:4) Allah Almighty said: “He (Ibrahim) said: “Do you see now that which you worship, you and your fathers before you? For they are enemies to me except the Lord of the Worlds” (Shuara 26:75-77)

5. Declare takfeer on taghout (Takfeer Al Taghout), and those who worship them. It is impossible for someone to insist that any Taghout is Muslim, we cannot disbelieve in Shaytan, distancing ourselves from him, hating him, declaring animosity on him, and then insist that he is Muslim, rather we must make takfeer on him, and call him kafir beyond any doubt. The same applies for those who worship others besides Allah. A Muslim is one who has accepted Islamic monotheism as his or her religion. Since Islamic Monotheism is to worship Allah Alone, it is impossible for anyone who worships something else besides Allah to be a part of this religion. Allah The Most High said: “There is no compulsion in the deen, the right path has become distinct from the wrong path, whoever rejects taghout, and believes in Allah, he has got a firm hold of the most trustworthy handhold that will never break, and Allah is the All hearing, all knowing.” (Baqarah 2:256)
Conditions of Imaan Billah: Imaan is conviction in the heart, testified by the tongue and practised willingly, it is not only in the heart, but rather Imaan is Sayings and Actions. There are three conditions of Imaan Billah:

1. Imaan Rububiyyah – To believe in the Lordship of Allah Almighty Exclusively. That is to believe in all of his functions of being the lord of mankind exclusively, e.g. the creator, sustainer and provider. Allah Almighty said: “(Who is Allah?) Allah is the one created you, then he provided for you, then he made us die and gave us life again. Are any of those who are your partners do the same?” (Rum30:40)

2. Imaan Bil Asmaa was Sifaat – To believe in All of Allah’s Almighty names and attributes Exclusively. To believe exclusively in all of his names and attributes. Allah Almighty said: “There is nothing like Almighty Allah, …” (Shura 42:11)

3. Imaan bil Uluhiyyah – To Believe in His Sovereignty. To believe in Allah as the “ilah” exclusively. In other words that He Almighty is the only one worthy of worship and thereby the only one worshipped. Allah’s Uluhiyyah is Allah’s right upon mankind that they dedicate all their worship, in all kinds, exclusively for Him Alone. Allah Almighty said: “Say (O Muhammad Peace be upon him): “I am only a man like you. It has been inspired to me that your Ilāh (God) is One Ilāh (God i.e. Allāh). So whoever hopes for the Meeting with his Lord let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of his Lord.”” (Kahf 18:110) The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, “O Mu’adh! Do you know what Allah’s Right upon His slaves is?” I said, “Allah and His Apostle know best.” The Prophet said, “To worship Him (Allah) Alone and to join none in worship with Him (Allah). And Do you know what their right upon Him is?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know best.” The Prophet said, “Not to punish them (if they do so)”. ‎[Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 470]​
Keep up the Work but It is Actually "Tawheed" not Imaan because Imaan means Faith, Tawheed means The Oneness of God.

Khalid Hussein

بسم الله الرحمن الر حيم
Daesh/Al Qaeda/Al Shabab are khawarij according to all 'ulama.

He was part of Daesh.

A viewpoint held by the most extreme (i.e the khawarij), no reputable Muslim scholar deems the majority of the Ummah as kuffar. The khawarij are the ones who believe that most Indonesian, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nigerian, Turkish, Egyptian, Algerian, Sudanese, Moroccan Muslims etc are not Muslim for voting. They believe that the armies and police of all Muslim countries are not Muslim. The irony is that they are simply fulfilling the interests of Israel etc by destabilizing Muslim countries.

They have no choice else the West will pillage, rape, invade their countries and butcher millions of Muslims. If China and Russia, the two most powerful opponents of the world order cannot go against the US, then what makes you think you can? Allying with mushrikeen against Muslims is a major sin, not kufr. Madkhalism is the second most dangerous ideology after the khawarij.

True, Ulama say they make Takfir to those who are Muslim They made Takfir on Al- Fawzan, and Hajoori.

Ahadith about the Khawarij describe by the Rasullah Peace be upon him
When They (Khawarij) read the Quran it will not Pass their throats.
Meaning they don't implement any of they're Action from the Quran.

So-called Muslim countries don't follow Shariah due to Society and what it says.
ISIS are Khawarij because they make takfir and takfir and Takfir. Also Takfir is the Character of the Khawarij.

In regards of Muslim Groups
Hizb at tahriri are Lairs and love Democracy
and the Muslim Brotherhood love Democracy and are liars even said by the former Muslim Brotherhood member Ayman al- Zawahiri.

And Zayd

The Hadith about Najd,
It is Not talking about Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab
Haven't you read the history of Najd, Najd was a Sufi hole they used to worship graves may Allah protect me from doing that, and instead of making Dua to Allah directly but they instead go to "So-called" walis graves to make Dua. This was all before Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab. Sheikh Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab saved his people and the rest of all the crazy Sufis worshipping graves. He prevailed.

Ya Akhi, don't talk without knowledge.
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