What do you guys think of Ibn al-Khattab?

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Personally he's one of my favourite Muslim independence fighters that I totally respect, because he stood up for all oppressed Muslims from around the world that suffered from oppression in its extreme forms. He's not like Daesh Dofaar, Al-Shabaab/Kilaab, Boko Xaar, etc. The guy got praised for his values by all types of Non-Muslims researching about him and even by Gaalo Russians themselves, don't believe me? Check the comments in those videos!

So what do you guys/gals think of this guy?
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Most of the real Sheikhs I know have been purged, everyone too afraid of speaking the truth about this propaganda!
I meant ISIS BS is propaganda, and it was not made by the US but rather by Zionist Israeli Jews. They have crisis actors and everything, even xasbara trolls online.

True, I noticed that since they heal ISIS fighters in Israeli Hospitals located in Golan Heights. You can even find that in a Vice Documentary!


I meant ISIS BS is propaganda, and it was not made by the US but rather by Zionist Israeli Jews. They have crisis actors and everything, even xasbara trolls online.
I encountered a troll online actually. I know he was the real deal because he made auto 20 accounts on G+ and spammed the f*ck out of a livehangout. He trolls everyday, he said he can't tell me the reason of why he does what he does. He also had a voice shifter machine, so he could sound like a woman or man. Crazy stuff!
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