What Department Is Good?

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  • Agriculture and Water Resources: down 0.2%
  • Attorney-General’s: down 3.2%
  • Communiation and the Arts: up 0.2%
  • Defence and Veterans Affairs: up 0.1% overall but DVA is down 4.7%.
  • Education and Training: up 0.2%
  • Environment and Energy: up 1%
  • Finance: up 0.3%
  • Foreign Affairs and Trade: up 0.7%
  • Heath: up 1.3%
  • Home Affairs: up 3.4%
  • Human Services: down 4.7%
  • Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities: down 0.6%
  • Jobs and Innovation: up 2.7%
  • Parliamentary departments: up 1.3%
  • Prime Minister and Cabinet: up 2.9%
  • Social Services: up 11% overall due to NDIA growth, but DSS itself is down 7.5%
  • Treasury: down 0.4% overall but the ABS is facing the largest loss, down 7%.
It won't be much different regardless which country your in. Attorney General(not creativity place full of law ppl, follow the rules and so forth). Defence(I don't know but it would very conservative and fear based culture of change). Human services(scum of society lol the jobs easiest to get and biggest), foreign affairs(image based, you gotta look the goods is my view not so much deliver), Health(was quite suprising but maybe it was the job can figure that place out). Comms n arts, education, environment, energy (liberal as f*ck), treasury and finance(conservative noone likes spending), jobs and innovation(creativity),. Cabinet more image stuff. Social services same as human services the avg people here but left wing.
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