what countries would yall consider living in.

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I identify as Canadian. I am black but that is not how I identify. It is as important to me as my eye colour or my height.

Canadian from an immigrant, first generation background.
Just remember the next time you support the worst types of supremacists that it is you who they will fry along with the others.
Internment camps happend In the 1940s. When a majority of the people who were allowed to vote were white people. A time period where they didn't care about anyone else that wasn't white. Now we have one of the most diverse nations ever. Internment camps won't ever come back. We have way more anti racist people now compared to racist people

The Bosnaks said the same thing. They would never do that they said. We have integrated far too much they said
Just look at inner-city US Somalis and their degenerate imitation of African American culture. That's what you get when you start identifying with those losers.

It's not about identity. You lack attention. Big problem. It's about how the wider society views you.
Maybe so much of your hate is directed towards the wrong people. The ones you should be mad at is the Somalis who are overwhelmingly adopting AA degenerate culture. They are the cause in why your beloved cadaans will always view you as a blackie
Canadian from an immigrant, first generation background.
Just remember the next time you support the worst types of supremacists that it is you who they will fry along with the others.

I thank them for giving me the freedom to suck



It's not about identity. You lack attention. Big problem. It's about how the wider society views you.
Maybe so much of your hate is directed towards the wrong people. The ones you should be mad at is the Somalis who are overwhelmingly adopting AA degenerate culture. They are the cause in why your beloved cadaans will always view you as a blackie

Projection much.
What can we take away from this thread:

1. So long as the disease of self hate is lying undetected and is benign it can still manifest at any time and in any direction.

2. Self hate doesn't only apply to those who glorify Arabs. Those Somalis who glorify AA culture and the white culture are the exact same and are no different. They suffer the exact same disease
Dude, you are now even alienating me. :vqbuyv0: I can't defend the indefensible.

Install Sharia now.

Very tasty

Yes of course, they gave you freedom.
Dance now my boy. Dance.

You sure look like an immigrant if your Somali. You will always have that stigma attached to you.

You do realise that white benovelence is only around in good times. Wait until the economy goes bad and people become hungry and see how tolerant they will be. Your black ass will be fried in an oven boowe
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