What are your top 5 favourite films?

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My list :



Let's see what you got :sass1:


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
1. American history X
2. V for vendetta
3. Stand by me
4. Fight Club
5. Jumanji


Community Manager
Staff Member
Shawshank Redemption
Un Prophete
The Social Network
Kill Bill 2
1. Catch Me If You Can
2. Panic Room
3. Oceans 11
4. Rush Hour 2
5. The Mummy 1 & 2
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For Best Thriller movies I have watched, my tops are:

1- Silence of the Lambs
2- Memento
3- The Usual Suspects
4- Old Boy (Korean)
5- The Machinist
6- The departed
7- Primal Fear

I also watched some mentioned in other posts before mine like "Inception" etc Good movie.
Memento is one of those movies where you can not believe what just happened in the end when you realize you were taken for a ride as a viewer. Awesome movie. It is one of those that frustrate you because you want to figure out what the hell is going on but you can't until the end.
Best Sci-Fi, Futuristic, and Utopia Movies I have watched

- Equilibrium
- Gattaca
- Minority Report
- Edge Of Tomorrow
- Interstellar
- Ex Machina
- Inception
- Snow Piercer
- Book of Eli
- Terminator Salvation
- District 9
1. the matrix
2. back to the future trilogy
3. old boy
4. berserk egg of the king cgi movie
5. interstellar
so much good shit out there.
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