If only you can choose who you fall in love withDiscustin
There’s 7 billion on this earth why would you choose close family? It’s not like Somalis are like Cadaan where we have distant relationships with our cousins, they’re practically like siblings.
If only you can choose who you fall in love with
some of us have drop dread gorgeous cousins ,still wont do it because of the increased likelihood of birth defects .Why do I feel like as the years go past Somalis are turning more like arabs and Asians, what kinda of reer xamar bs is this, so you mean to tell me that you wait for marriage only to end up doing missionary with your overweight cousin.
some of us have drop dread gorgeous cousins ,still wont do it because of the increased likelihood of birth defects .
The Prophet Muhammad SAW himself married Zaynab Bint Jahsh, his first cousin. They had a blessed marriage. And he is the best man to live. None can doubt that.
Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA, the third Rashidun caliph of Islam and beloved of the Prophet SAW married his cousin and they had a blessed union.
The famous name for twins Hasan and Husayn stemmed from this union.
A better man than anyone on this forum or living married his cousin and they had a blessed marriage.
Will I marry a cousin?
Likely not, given where I live. But if it is written for me waa qadr allah and I will accept it happily.
Who are we to look down on the practice, if the best of men practiced this?
Fatima RA and Ali RA were first cousins and she gave him strong sons and wise daughters. But I can see where you are coming from.With all do respect but they practiced in a time where they didn’t know much about genetics and birth Deformities
some of us have drop dread gorgeous cousins ,still wont do it because of the increased likelihood of birth defects .
Ali Ibn Abi Talib RA, the third Rashidun caliph of Islam and beloved of the Prophet SAW married his cousin and they had a blessed union.
Thank you for the correction ikhwaan.Ali was the first cousin of the Prophet, he was second uncle to Fatima Zahra.