What are yall political leanings?


Lord Maximus
Far left? Are you a commie?

In the UK, I’m obviously a Labour supporter.
In Somalia:

Socially, Far Right (No Gays, No Miscegenation, Traditionalism)

Economically, Centre left (liberal economy)
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Sheekhaagu waa kuma?
Most somali people I know lean left, but u degenerates might be right wing. Im pretty far left myself.
so do you support transgenders as a far left individual? I don't really care for politics, but my beliefs align more to the center/middle than to either group. I like aspects of the left like freedom and equality, and I also like right-wing aspects like traditions.
I lean more left, it would be ironic if any of us to be voting right unless you were self haters. The political spectrum is odd in that a conservative would be regarded as far left in America, just as how the fish galloping Ben Schapiro displayed here.


31/12/16 - 04/04/20
For now I'm a Pan-islamist :yacadiim: In Islaam we do NOT recognise sovereignty and it's impermissible for Muslims to have separate nation states :yacadiim: If Elon successfully setups a colony on Mars, we'll topple him and establish Shariah on Mars :yacadiim: And that'll make me an "interplanetary-islamist":yacadiim:


Bah Qabiil Fluid
For now I'm a Pan-islamist :yacadiim: In Islaam we do NOT recognise sovereignty and it's impermissible for Muslims to have separate nation states :yacadiim: If Elon successfully setups a colony on Mars, we'll topple him and establish Shariah on Mars :yacadiim: And that'll make me an "interplanetary-islamist":yacadiim:

Your comment reminds me of this XDDDDD



a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
since i live in the US, the progressives here are considered “far left,” however, compared to people in the UK, i’d say i’d be centrist left leaning. The gay shit don’t fly tho, i’m not gonna change my party for them cause it’s not my problem either


Farmaajo for president 2021
In Somalia - social conservatives economically moderate
In United states - social conservatives
Economically liberal :ulyin:

