What’s your deal break when it comes to shunkasi


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
:cosbyhmm:I’m working on my socod. What is hami la an,and what’s wrong with hadal gaban. You mean scary face or waji xun

Hami la’aan waa lack of ambition

It means he lacks the art of making conversation. Nin sheekeyn yaqaano aya la raba. I was only half serious about the waji xuux lol


Stingy with lacagta, not deeqsi

Not blessed in the face, ku wajigiisa laga ashaato.:sass2:
if she docent want someone who's stingy with the money thats a deal breaker for me, I have a make it to the top mindset not a spend it to act like I am:wow1:


Engineer of Qandala

Waryaa in Farah, you keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome. La samaxa-Allah, if Malia Obama becomes mad and is interested in your shukaansi, you will ask or accuse her being a fob and you will never see her again. @DR OSMAN Doqonkaan shukaansiga barraa.

Warr this isn't shukaansi I am just askin questions:gucciwhat:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
2 things If she smokes and if shes passive I dont like a girl whose gonna go along with everything I say or do If you think I'm wrong, or messing up, tell me I love a girl who challenges me and is strong and confident nothing more sexy than that
There must be dirty sex talk. I love kinky. Refusal to do this is an automatic turn off and there are no second chances.


This reminds me of my love making with fobs. The fob expressions they make while speaking the Somali language.


When it comes to fobs, si xun baan garaaca.
There must be dirty sex talk. I love kinky. Refusal to do this is an automatic turn off and there are no second chances.


This reminds me of my love making with a fob once. The fob expressions they make while speaking the Somali language.


When it comes to fobs, si xun baan garaaca.

You cant have that dp with these kind of posts.