We've taken over...

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So what do you guys think of this? Personally I believe you've gotta respect the laws, customs and faith of the land. Nothing wrong with giving dawah and trying to help change people but you can't expect the entire country to change to accomadate Muslims. If they want to live in a Muslim land they can always go home or try to emigrate to any other Muslim country of their choice.

They (Britain First) are also trying to redefine what it means to be British. To be British you've gotta come from the isles; faith and colour don't matter. However their use of the word implies that to be Muslim and British is contradictory. Hmmmmm


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
That video has probably been edited 20x. Their leader faked an arrest, mugged off the British military fatigue, they've been kicked out of so many towns by the white English folks. They're a total joke. I'd pay money to see a brawl between them and Anjem Choudrys gang of regards lol.
If two men were to walk holding hands or kiss in that part of the UK they would probably get physically attacked and maybe even stoned yet we are supposed to respect those people and their religion. Islam and liberalism sadly can never exist next to each other. This is why multiculturalism is a sham.
They probably provoked them off camera then recorded their reaction.

Yh no doubt about that but still clearly some poor choice of words like "this is our country" and"we are taking over".

What killed it was the reaction from the Muslim lady calling the woman a slag/ :ohlord:


They could've provoked the guy first and every scene you see the Muslim acting wildly is a cut/edited scene. They have some type of doomsday music in the background, its obvious it was coordinated this way.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
England is a true democratic country. In other western countries you have to assimilate but English minorities remained their tradition and culture and are still functioning in society.


Habar Magaadle
Britain First is like a polite EDL, couldn't care less, they got chased out of Brick Lane like they were unknown foreigners.
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