West african nigga marries Somali girl

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Somalinimo kulaha i call bullshit on that people laugh at other clans being killed, habeeyn yo maliin advocating for clans to go at war is all good but once a unknown Xalimo goes with a ajnabi all hell breaks loose
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The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
I dont know a single guy that likes seeing that shit, it dosent matter if hes never dated a somali girl in his life, something inside of him says its wrong.

Akh idgaf as long as she's not related to me. I don't understand why it bothers you guys, it's not like that west African brother stole your girl :kobeok:
Kan dhiig Ma lex, hada hata walasheesa lugu xor cuniyo Ma kala jeclo.

Hoyaada siil keeda ba la cuniya your a bunch of sick controll freaks, talking about Somalinimo is just talks and you don't practice jack of it now go f*ck of to your moms basement and keep drug abusing you shitty excrement of a human.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hoyaada siil keeda ba la cuniya your a bunch of sick controll freaks, talking about Somalinimo is just talks and you don't practice jack of it now go f*ck of to your moms basement and keep drug abusing you shitty excrement of a human.
Bradar please calm down, shaidanka Iska naar.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Why is this shit even bothering y'all unless anyone is related to her there's no reason this should bother you.
Bradar you wouldn't understand cause you're a female stuck in a mans body kkk

Clearly that chick doesn't care what any of you think which explains why she posted the pic on twitter. We are all against interracial marriages for the preservation of our identity and culture. However this doesn't justify insulting her or him.
A couple of diaspora girls/guys who branch out and race mix isn't going to divert or mutate our race forever Somalia is 99% homogeneous
I'm waiting, Mr Patel has no clue that I have his password and when he finds out he will try his best to cuss me but I'll verbally finish him and all of you bloody Somalis.
So let's get back to the matter in hand, shall we..

I have work soon, goodnight and God bless xx
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