Well, I Got My Black Wakeup Call Today......

This Jewish website that I will not name flagged my profile for fraud. I only created the profile to find love and to have a wife of my background. Granted, I'm an AA man currently undergoing a conversion to Judaism. So, I buy a premium ship on the site. I also uploaded my photo on the site. I get an email saying that law enforcement may get involved. I work for a living and a law abiding citizen. Anywho, I sent and email back explaining myself saying that I didn't want any trouble and to just delete my account.

Advice? I truly believe that online I just received a wakeup call, but doesn't stop me for believing in my faith because there's numerous Black Jews everywhere.
Let me see if I got this straight:

You're an AA man who's converting to Judaism, on a Jewish dating site looking for Kosher love, and you realized they're racist and out of all the places in the world to seek counsel, you decide a Somali forum is the right place to get said advice.

My brother of the Lord, I have to ask, why the hell are you asking us for advice?
But if I were to give advice, I'd just advise you to delete said account and connect with a Jewish girl irl. Save yourself the trouble. Good luck with the community though. Bunch of libs on the outside, super conservative on the inside.
People told you this’ll happen, it’s gonna get worse the longer you stay.
If you’re still determined then try for a secular jewish woman irl. Try to tone down your interest in Judaism tho.
Wait, so you are specifically looking to spend the rest of your life with a jew? Listen man I'd be careful of them, let's just say they are not a well liked group for a reason.


This Jewish website that I will not name flagged my profile for fraud. I only created the profile to find love and to have a wife of my background. Granted, I'm an AA man currently undergoing a conversion to Judaism. So, I buy a premium ship on the site. I also uploaded my photo on the site. I get an email saying that law enforcement may get involved. I work for a living and a law abiding citizen. Anywho, I sent and email back explaining myself saying that I didn't want any trouble and to just delete my account.

Advice? I truly believe that online I just received a wakeup call, but doesn't stop me for believing in my faith because there's numerous Black Jews everywhere.

there are very few black jews. ethiopians dont count theyre converts not ethnic jews.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Hhhhhahahahhahaha I actually giggled when I read this.

You gotta great imagination OP, I doubt you are AA. Your story is false, I mean come on. A black jewish man from USA has problems marrying a fellow jew so he asks somalis for help. This can’t be anything else then satire


there are very few black jews. ethiopians dont count theyre converts not ethnic jews.
So is every Jewish ancestor though,

they had to convert because off danger and the fact that the Habesha’s saw them as targets, they couldn’t pick and choose!

ashkenazis are all descendants off converted European women from the Middle Age, but Ethiopians Jews aren’t perse


There's plenty of falasha ethiopian jews, a lot have relocated from israel to america, I would give that a shot. Good luck :)
I think Judaism is an exclusive club to only those with Jewish bloodline and particularly off limits to asians and blacks.

This is why jews have been hated historically, they stick to themselves, disdain others and think if themselves as superior. It's an ethnic religion make no mistake

