

Hakuna matata
My muslim friends, majority get pushed by there family to get married quickly, on the other hand my mother never has brought it up once and im in my mid 20’s🤣
My muslim friends, majority get pushed by there family to get married quickly, on the other hand my mother never has brought it up once and im in my mid 20’s🤣
My mom wants me to get married at 22-24 or when I get a stable job. I plan on getting married at 26-28 so I can experience life first. So I have 10 years before I can start the mehr debates :lol: .
One of the signs of a good parent, esp good mother is her desire for you to get married. Parents that never mention marriage you should be wary about because they don’t have your best interest at heart.

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
Not everyone has the same calling nor life path.

Some are for the hustle (job, money, career)
Some are for the love (relationships, marriage)

Yet it's upto us to decide which part of that will become of us!
And at points one may have to do both to keep it all. Something to be considered, heh.

Take Time.
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One of the signs of a good parent, esp good mother is her desire for you to get married. Parents that never mention marriage you should be wary about because they don’t have your best interest at heart.
Hmm, it depends. My mom got married at 27 and had kids at 29 and everything is happy.
Hmm, it depends. My mom got married at 27 and had kids at 29 and everything is happy.
I know it’s not the age that you get married that matters but I was just saying once you approach you mid 20s, parents who emphasize marriage have your best interest at heart. You’ll sometimes meet parents that discourage or never mention marriage and that’s not a good sign.
People that love and care for you will give you constructive feedback. By the time I reach 30, inshallah I'll be taking my firstborn to high school.
I know it’s not the age that you get married that matters but I was just saying once you approach you mid 20s, parents who emphasize marriage have your best interest at heart. You’ll sometimes meet parents that discourage or never mention marriage and that’s not a good sign.
For the most part parents who doesn't wish their daughters to get married are dependent on an extra income their child brings home each month, I have seen some moms who are like this..
My mom was the same way, she never pressured any of her children to get married. But alhamdulilah I decided to marry at 23 after 4 years of getting to know him. It was the best decision I’ve made because it worked well for us. And in reality that’s all that matters, do what works best for you waalal.

