Weird thing I noticed!

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I've seen quite a few topics that have similar patterns, person introduces an (ajanabi) person who says something in the slightest bit insulting towards camel herders and all hell breaks loose. (this isnt really the point) And a lot of the comments will be directed towards that person race. And when I think about it this is rarely a phenomena isolated to ss or ajanbis, cuz we still have this issue all over somalia and with other qabils somalis are just too trigger happy and impatient and it causes a lot of problems no wonder the clan skirmishes never end lol. Its kind of annoying how when ever somali people dont like what the president is doing they are ready to break away or sell a portion of their land out of spite in other words way to driven by emotion instead of looking at the bigger picture. I'm rambling on now but I think everyon gets the jist of what I am saying

But I'm curious as to why this is? Is there higher activity in the emotion processing parts of the brain :ohhh:
Somalis are descended from nomads who lived in small close communities, this is where the concept of Qabil comes from. It makes sense to form a group to protect your livestock. This small scale nomadic life allowed for a lot of expression among communities Dhaanto, Poetry etc. This lifestyle and custom leads to a more expressive and emotional culture.

Compare this to people descended from settled groups where you rely on a much larger group to meet your needs 100,000's to millions in cities compared to 1000's to 10,000 max for nomadic communities. In such a large group you don't know every person and cant form a personal bond, nomadic life is a lot more personal thus allowing for more expression/emotion.:yacadiim:


Somalis are descended from nomads who lived in small close communities, this is where the concept of Qabil comes from. It makes sense to form a group to protect your livestock. This small scale nomadic life allowed for a lot of expression among communities Dhaanto, Poetry etc. This lifestyle and custom leads to a more expressive and emotional culture.

Compare this to people descended from settled groups where you rely on a much larger group to meet your needs 100,000's to millions in cities compared to 1000's to 10,000 max for nomadic communities. In such a large group you don't know every person and cant form a personal bond, nomadic life is a lot more personal thus allowing for more expression/emotion.:yacadiim:

Wow, you actually put that "I know what I'm talking about smilie" at the end even though what you wrote was a bunch of xaar. Top 10 dumbest shit I've ever read on SSPot.
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