Weight loss tips

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Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Drink a lot of water, don't eat processed food, try cooking for yourself instead of eating out, drink green tea and try running in the morning before breakfast. good luck:nvjpqts:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Lift weights the more muscles you have The easier it gonna be to burn fat

Cook your own meals

Run in the mornings

Have a cheat day once a week but dont go over board with it some chips cola and candy is fine

drink water throughout the day

Have some fats in your diet peanut butter, peanuts almonds youghurts

Thats what i do and it always works
Ok, so i'm actually on the road to weight loss and whats been helping me A LOT is counting every food that goes into my mouth using this app called myfitnesspal (i aint sponsoring this, i'm a broke ass college kid but this app tells you how much you are eating with all of sugar, carbs and vitamins you take in and a whole lotta of other stuff) and making sure I never stay up for anything because if i do i get stressed out and stress for me always leads to over eating. Also, a tip would be to always brush your teeth if you are feeling hungry, it works for me.

I make sure to at least exercise more than twice a week but whats more important is dieting. There's this thing were people say "weight loss is all 70% diet and 30% exercise" always watch what you eat. Making your own food always makes a difference. Eat more greens, if you have to, buy supplements (they are jam packed with essential vitamins and nutrients that you need on a daily). Make eating healthy a habit not something you 'have' to do because your body is something you are gonna live with for the rest of yourself.

It isn't easy but you gotta start somewhere!


. . .
Try the 5:2 diet. Eat healthy food and as much fruit and veg as you want for 5 days of the week. Then remaining 2 days fast and eat a meal consisting of only 500 calories. And loads of water.

Also SQUAT to get that sexy booty gurrrllll
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