Weak imaan need help

During Ramadan even though I was struggling I still managed to complete my fast with high imaan eventually and did a lot, sadly after ramadan I went back to my old ways and now suffer from weak imaan is like ever since shaytaan been unlocked he's been coming at me left right centre. I have so much fast to make up in order to do shawwal fast but don't know if I can be able to makeup my Ramadan fast for 2 weeks consecutively and than after that do shawwal fast as it will elapse to dhul qida and I won't know if my shawwal fast will be accepted I just don't have the energy anymore is sad because I want my imaan to be high please help
During Ramadan even though I was struggling I still managed to complete my fast with high imaan eventually and did a lot, sadly after ramadan I went back to my old ways and now suffer from weak imaan is like ever since shaytaan been unlocked he's been coming at me left right centre. I have so much fast to make up in order to do shawwal fast but don't know if I can be able to makeup my Ramadan fast for 2 weeks consecutively and than after that do shawwal fast as it will elapse to dhul qida and I won't know if my shawwal fast will be accepted I just don't have the energy anymore is sad because I want my imaan to be high please help
you need to do a lot of tasbih regularly “ subhanallah, Alhamdulilah, la’ ilaaha ila Allah, Allah Akbar” and salawaat on the prophet saw it will strengthen your heart the more you see struggling with know you are on the right path, sheytan don’t come to a heart that has no iman often bcoz he done the job already
At least Allah gives you the insight to know when your Iman is low, that itself is a blessing from Allah.

We all have something or activity that hinders our closeness with Allah. Try to find out your the habits that are culprit.
Thanks for the feedback everyone I even cried to Allah to give me the correct decision and Alhamdulilah chose the right one I will continue with my fast
Make du'aa that Allah increases your imaan, keeps you steadfast and firm and makes your affairs easy for you. Whatever you struggle with, Allah is able to relieve you from it/give you a way out.

وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ​

And your Lord has said, “ Call Me, I will respond to you. ”

Surah Ghafir, verse 60


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