Weak deen

I use to say oh Allah I can lose everyone and anyone in my life but please don’t let me lose you and Islam.
for the past 5 years I’ve changed. I lost most people in my life or we are aren’t close I feel so alone. My iman has became weak. I do not listen to Somali sheikhs I stopped I get triggered anytime I see one ( because of their biased view in women) I use to listen to few other non Somali s chi Olaf’s the popular once howeve I don’t listen to them anymore. I pray sometimes I fast sometimes. I am affraid I am losing Allah and Islam as well. I feel empty and confused. I still believe in Allah. I feel so lost I don’t even dress up nor do I wear make up anymore. I shower and brush my teeth act like I am normal at work. I am losing everyone including Allah.
Turn back to Allah sister and everything will fall in place. It might not seem like it now and I too am being patient with life’s issues but the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that Allah S.W.T will answer my prayers inshallah. Maybe there’s a reason Allah took those people out of your life. Just the mere fact that you are writing this post is enough and the fact that you are afraid of losing Allah. That is a sign that Allah still loves you and wants you to come back to Him. May Allah make it easier for you sis ❤️❤️
May Allah rectify your affairs. You are surely being tested with your faith. Your faith may be weaker now but it can be strengthened. Hold tightly to the rope of Allah, sis. The acts of worship that feel the hardest to do now will be the ones that help your iimaan rise.

People come and go in our lives for various reasons. You’ll get better ones in your life in shaa Allah.

Whenever someone doesn’t have Islam as the focal point of their lives, something else usually takes its place. See if that’s the case for you and try your best to lessen whatever that or limit it completely.

You're never really alone. Make dua from the heart in those hard moments. Ask Allah for peace of mind, guidance and support. And anything else your heart yearns for. May Allah guide you to that which He loves and be pleased with you.
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Internet Nomad

𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒔
Allah created everything, and he created you too. He created you with the sole purpose of believing in him and serving him. He has given you a test with the hope that you will pass it, do what he commands and avoid what he dislikes. The fact that you still believe in him while going through what you’re going through right now goes to show how amazing and merciful he is. You can go to him, pour you pain and hurt onto his lap and ask him to remove it. Ask him for happiness and peace, ask him to help you. Don’t lose hope.

Garaad diinle

 
May allah, keep your iman steadfast. This is a natural phenomena, iman increases and decreases. It increases by doing good deeds and decreases by doing bad deeds. Are you to absorbed by the dunya? Perhaps you're busy with work and unable to find time for your deen or could it be that there is to much distraction in your live.

We humans are a forgetful bunch and always needs to be reminded. Make sure to watch islamic reminder do tasbih and pray for a stronger iman. Do good deeds and try to surround yourself with fellow muslims. Remember that this is a test and the reward is as great as your patient and persevering. Try learning about islam and understand it to savour the sweetness of iman.
I use to say oh Allah I can lose everyone and anyone in my life but please don’t let me lose you and Islam.
for the past 5 years I’ve changed. I lost most people in my life or we are aren’t close I feel so alone. My iman has became weak. I do not listen to Somali sheikhs I stopped I get triggered anytime I see one ( because of their biased view in women) I use to listen to few other non Somali s chi Olaf’s the popular once howeve I don’t listen to them anymore. I pray sometimes I fast sometimes. I am affraid I am losing Allah and Islam as well. I feel empty and confused. I still believe in Allah. I feel so lost I don’t even dress up nor do I wear make up anymore. I shower and brush my teeth act like I am normal at work. I am losing everyone including Allah.

Sister, I have experienced some of these things, the key is this:

Sins lead to grief and sadness and loneliness, while abandoning them and keeping them to a minimum leads to happiness and contentment.
When I was living in a way, that I wasn't supposed to, I felt sad, lonely, etc... but when I repented, abandoned those things, etc, I felt happiness that all of the material items of the world could not give me, for sure.
You should definitely for sure start with the obligations (5 daily prayers, wearing modest clothing, etc)

and know the key to reforming one's self is slow and lenient, and then moving from station to station if you will.

