We need to start questioning western Somalis about Islam…

The backlash is because some somalis are attention seekers and like to start buuq and insert themselves in every single thing.

We don’t have sunni/shia sectarian issues anywhere in somaliweyn. Say alhamdulillah and let the carab and timojilics worry about it
Shias are slowly becoming relevant. They took over sunni iran, then sunni baghdad, and now syria. Theyre in lebanon, pakistan even nigeria! everywhere.

I bet there's more atheists in Iran than Shia- that's how secular Iran has become. The Khomeini types ended up causing mass apostacy

They won't have any long term influence definitely not a religious one.
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لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I bet there's more atheists in Iran than Shia- that's how secular Iran has become. The Khomeini types ended up causing mass apostacy

They won't have any long term influence
Dont blame them. Shia islam is like a different religion, take a look at their hadith books
You can respectfully critique or disagree with others. A majority of Somalis I've seen online seem incapable of interacting with others in a respectful manner. We are hated in every corner of the wold it feels like and it's going to get worse before it gets better. Hopefully this will teach the retarded, chronically-online Somalis that words matter and reputation is everything.
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Irl I’ve always cut them off or had a hostile disposition towards them, it’s not an issue of insults or name calling but you’ve seriously got to keep your distance, a layman who’s not educated enough to deal with them (most of us unfortunately) can fall into serious doubts when the shia starts espousing his beliefs under the guise of “brotherhood”. Walaalayal I advise you all to keep your distance and not interact
If you tell people their religion is the wrong religion they’ll tell you your religion is wrong.There’s no winning.believe what you believe and let others be.8 billion people on planet earth and everyone thinks they found the one true religion


Here to chill
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"If forsaking them will harm the Muslims’ interests and make them cling more firmly to their false ways and put them off the truth, then it is better not to do that, just as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not forsake ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ubayy ibn Salool, the leader of the hypocrites, because not forsaking him was more in the interests of the Muslims."

"But if their bid’ah constitutes kufr, such as cursing the Sahaabah and exaggerating about ‘Ali and Faatimah and al-Hasan and al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with them), and they pray to them and seek their help and ask them for support and so on, or their belief that they have knowledge of the unseen etc, which means that they are beyond the pale of Islam, then in this case it is not permissible to greet them first or to befriend them or to eat meat slaughtered by them. Rather we must hate them and disavow ourselves of them, until they believe in Allaah alone, because in this case they are kaafirs and apostates. See Majmoo’ Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam, 28/216-217; Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 4/262-263"

There are different types and levels of Shias and they should be dealt with differently depending on how severe their deviance is.
"If forsaking them will harm the Muslims’ interests and make them cling more firmly to their false ways and put them off the truth, then it is better not to do that, just as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not forsake ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ubayy ibn Salool, the leader of the hypocrites, because not forsaking him was more in the interests of the Muslims."

"But if their bid’ah constitutes kufr, such as cursing the Sahaabah and exaggerating about ‘Ali and Faatimah and al-Hasan and al-Husayn (may Allaah be pleased with them), and they pray to them and seek their help and ask them for support and so on, or their belief that they have knowledge of the unseen etc, which means that they are beyond the pale of Islam, then in this case it is not permissible to greet them first or to befriend them or to eat meat slaughtered by them. Rather we must hate them and disavow ourselves of them, until they believe in Allaah alone, because in this case they are kaafirs and apostates. See Majmoo’ Fataawa Shaykh al-Islam, 28/216-217; Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn Baaz, 4/262-263"

There are different types and levels of Shias and they should be dealt with differently depending on how severe their deviance is.
Thank you for sharing this reference, walaal.

I already knew this to some extent, but it's very important to bring verified sources to the table, alongside good reasoning and some good old common sense.
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It is quite easy to have a civil discussion. If you're a well rounded adult you probably do that everyday when interacting with people. You find common ground and express disagreements respectfully. The person in the tweet compared Shias to cancer and even if you personally believe that to be the case, that is no way to address another human being.


Now there is Somali guy who tweeted about his Twitter mutual being Shia..
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Well eventually it lead beef between Shia and Somalis. Iraqis threw racist jokes and the Somalis made saddem and American jokes on Shias but that’s not the main point.

The amount of Somalis tryna defend the shias
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The Farah and the xalimos but the majority happened to be xalimos defending them. They think this is Arab/south Asian issue not religion one 😭 it started between Arab then spread all the way to sub continent. The funny thing is that why don’t they question themselves because why does Yemen, Saudi, Oman and even Tanzania have Shia but not Somalia ? Why doesn’t Somalia have friendship with Houthis and Iran and even the current Iraq ? The last time we had moment with Iraq is when they had Sunni leader not Shia one.

Our imam the madhab Somali follows literally said

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And we got twitter Somalis tryna ally with them not knowing our imams consider them as kuffar.
The Shias are no different then the Jews and Christian
It’s weird for a Somali to have so much animosity and hatred for shias, they don’t have any history with us nor have we ever interacted with them. Yes theologically their beliefs are wrong, but you are an african living in england so stop acting like they killed your family.


Somalis talking about shias like they've been in contact with them for hundreds of years. It's honestly embarrassing.

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