We need Somali songs to be translated...

There’s so many Somali songs that I love but sadly don’t understand. I try asking my elders and they don’t know either. There are thousands of Somali youth like me.

You weirdos have enough time to obsess over Somali genetics and go over boring history books from hundreds of years ago for FKD material, why can’t one of you blessed with a grand Somali vocabulary make a website translating Somali songs into English?
I can speak damn near perfect Somali but I NEVER know what they be saying in songs smh
They be using the most articulate and lyrical words and phrases in Somali songs. Too difficult to understand
I thought it was just my dumbass that didn’t understand it. Instead of saying “your eyes look like the sun” they say sum things like “hakdksjahxnjaka”:williamswtf:

EXACTLY. I’m 100% fluent in Somali and although my vocabulary isn’t at master level, I’d say I’m at the 80th-90th percentile. But I swear to Allah, I never understand the words they use in Somali songs. Especially the older songs (which I love the most).

The worst thing is that many of our own eldersdo not fully understand the vocabulary used in these songs. We need a Somali to English website ASAP:fittytousand:


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
@Ayatiin i just asked my mom why the olden songs don’t make sense and she said “it makes sense wala fahmi kara but it’s just you who doesn’t understand it” am I living a lie

@Ayatiin i just asked my mom why the olden songs don’t make sense and she said “it makes sense wala fahmi kara but it’s just you who doesn’t understand it” am I living a lie


Then tell her to translate one of your favorite oldie Somali songs. Maybe Seylo by Xasan Aden Samatar or Hodan iyo Cilmi Boodhari by Tubeec.

Here’s part of lyrics to Seylo:

Sayloo guyaal badan
Soo baxa kaliishii
Seelseelna loo degay
Sannad geelu badi dhalay
Oo sidigtii Laalays
Nirguhu aanay socod baran
Reeraha sintoodiyo
Kaymo saar leh loo dhigay
Oo igadh mid yari sabo
Maqaar lagu salaaxay
Saameeshay gaawaha
Oo baarqab soohani
Isagoo ah laba-sabar
Soofeeyey micidoo
Ka sanqadhiyey doobtii
Salaaddiina roorsaday
Ugabkii u saniyo
Surmo dheer la tiigsaday
Saqdii dhexena roob helay
Subixii bariisada
Sidoodaan jalleecada
Saxansaxo udgoon badan
Sanka kuula raacaa


What’s a “saylo”??