Watch out for college dorm Xaalimos and Faraxs

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I swear college dorm xaalimos and faraxs are giving us normal Somalis just trying to get an education a bad rep all across universities around the world. The amount of times my dorm hall was searched because of xaalimos that don't know how to act cause hooyo gave them a little too much freedom is crazy. Faraxs you've known your life whole acting brand new cause they joined frats and are doing keg stands on the regular. Somebody needs to stop these degenerates before I hear one more time that ashy Abdi's new cadaan girlfriend Becky cooks some good baasto and bariis. The Ls I take on a daily basis is crazy.
tell us more stories:mybusiness:
I have zero interactions with somalis in real life. I live in the whitest state:meleshame:I'm finna transfer to UMN
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