Was General Aideed A Potential Somali Hero


I know we hear the common 'myths' he was mad-man who killed people because of tribe, raped women, looted properties. This is only one side of the history of Aideed and it's TOTALLY BIASED to the facts surrounding this man. Aideed only started killing 'daaroods' when they started to create a 'dual govt' with 'ali mahdi' as president. Before that, we wouldn't of known what Aideed plan was for Somalia if he wasn't disturbed by some spoilers.

I say this because look at 'siyad barre' who was a military man and from a clan that is not known for 'wisdom or political saviness', the nation didn't interfere and let him run the country for 21 years and some people consider him the 'father of the nation' till today. What if we let Aideed run Somalia and not install another government. Give him 5 year mandate to turn away from military activities and begin the 'nation building' no-one knows what aideed could've amounted too. I personally think he would've been a Somali hero.

Why you may ask? He clearly was a 'general' and military guys are not known for corruption, looting, and pure nationalist. Their not even known for 'politics' but keep the nation heart as their sole priority. That's why the 'military' men are usually always loved in the western history, their not about politics or ideas or a small party or group but the national good like 'churchill'. The other thing is Aideed was literally broke, he inherited nothing from the loot, so he clearly had ambitions larger then 'economic gains'. There was no tribal warfare happening untill 'ali mahdi' was elected as President of Somalia while HG did the 'military gains' not 'abgaal' which is a big kick in the teeth runti.

I personally like to think Somalia would've gone down a different path if Aideed was given 5 year mandate and no opposition existed so we can examine what his intention was for the nation. Unfortunately this didn't happen and we will never know. He responded tribally in the end to the 'jambal' of 'ali mahdi' presidency to ensure he can remain surviving and I think he responded tribally because he knew it was the darod who did this in particularly Majerten and why the brunt of killings were towards Majerten and not so much other darods.

Anyways a careful analysis needs to be done of Aideed prior to ali mahdi presidential nomination and after ali mahdi presidential nomination and we need to ask ourselves why would we ball bust the man. I personally have a soft spot for HG, we as PL have been shifted towards abdillahi yusuf view of HG to 'destroy at all cost' HG, where-as my ancestors such as keenadiid were about building up and helping 'HG' when they came to Galgaduud. I think this difference of views towards HG is still silently raging within PL and blew out in a total war in 2001 in PL.


It's funny when we re-post accepted ideas on history or certain people, the thread goes crazy on debate about how right you are but when you question the accepted narrative of a certain event, history, or individual the whole thread usually goes 'empty'. I am not sure how Somalis cope in PHD type of studies when it's about challenging the prevailing ideas and REPLACING IT with better ones or at least 'refining' the ideas of your study. I am suprised they even got PHD really and would love to see their journal contribution to their industry. I can sense this lack of 'creativity' and 'hal abuur' or innovative mind in the SPOT, you got to repeat the same thing they believe and accept, the mind isn't 'critical' whatsoever beyond 'my view is right and yours is wrong'


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
You mongrel you are showing your true colours a mongrel is loyal to no one and your uncle aidiid is a terrorist.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
I always thought he just had some learning difficulty. I think you are right.
I don't blame @DrOsman for supporting anarchy since his motherside of the family is a tribe with the same name as al hawiyah the lowest level of hell likewise we have @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman whos motherside of the family is from cabudwaaq which literally means worship waaq an ancient pagan cow god in the sky, who has become a secularist, siad barre is his uncle who implemented communist atheist Leninist system in somalia and if you bring up the shariah he is vehmently opposed to the implementation of divine laws in somalia.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Majeertentitis Research Institute
I don't blame @DrOsman for supporting anarchy since his motherside of the family is a tribe with the same name as al hawiyah the lowest level of hell likewise we have @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman whos motherside of the family is from cabudwaaq which literally means worship waaq an ancient pagan cow god in the sky, who has become a secularist, siad barre is his uncle who implemented communist atheist Leninist system in somalia and if you bring up the shariah he is vehmently opposed to the implementation of divine laws in somalia.
I will be joining PIS soon and i will target anyone with a beard. You can never be too careful these days.


Eel eh?
I don't blame @DrOsman for supporting anarchy since his motherside of the family is a tribe with the same name as al hawiyah the lowest level of hell likewise we have @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman whos motherside of the family is from cabudwaaq which literally means worship waaq an ancient pagan cow god in the sky, who has become a secularist, siad barre is his uncle who implemented communist atheist Leninist system in somalia and if you bring up the shariah he is vehmently opposed to the implementation of divine laws in somalia.
Takfring are we?


Make Hobyo Great Again
his motherside of the family is a tribe with the same name as al hawiyah the lowest level of hell
Oh, my god. You're actually right.

Notice how other clan founders like Darood and Isaaq were sheikhs? Their clan was founded by shaytaan. This explains everything.


No dictator can imprison a population forever.
He was a thug like Barre, with the mentality that "if cant rule the country, no one will."


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Takfring are we?
Are you disputing any of the facts that i have mentioned? Siad barre implementing atheist communist Leninist system in somalia or cabudwaaq literally meaning worship waaq an ancient somali pagan cow idol in the sky? Or DrOsman and Boqor quaker being secularists?



Did someone hack @DR OSMAN ‘s account?

I am just saying there was 2 approaches to HG in Majerten. Keenadiid option which civilized them and helped build them up under the 'somalinimo' card. All the great ppl they talk about are from the founder of this kingdom, they can deny or hate it all they want. Not a single great man can they mention who has not an 'awoowe' at least linked to Keenadiid or his grand children 'sharmarke dynasty'. Where-as POST 91 we adopted Abdillahi yusuf view on HG. 'DESTROY AT ALL COSTS' and remove their 'influence' from Somalia.

This has succeeded in the south. Their in control of nothing and 'settlers' only. Heck even 2004 Hawiye warlords(murusade) gave up and voted YEY when they saw 'abdiqasim salat' come back and say 'hg' ima ogolo in aan dawlad ka dhiso hamar. Lots of hawiye 'gave up' that day except @Loyan who I am starting to doubt is REAL HAWIYE or he would know this, how can I know this cuz I know my abtiyaal when they talk about HG the 'disgust' in their face. Way ka quusteen and this stems from that 'abdiqasim salat' govt being rejected by their own cousins. Hawiye ditched these niggas that day and they have been in 'isolation' mode ever since. INFACT they get 'attacked' everywhere they are now in hamar not to the level of 'abdillahi yusuf' but they still 'raid hg senators' and siyasi and qabqable(spoilers). Bimaale is using 'arms' to get rid of em in marka.

Abdillahi 'started' this is how 'HG' view it, but it had to be done is what i am telling them. U wouldnt even accept ina salad in hamar and HG need to tanasul on this and realize dhibkooda gudaha ayaa ka wayn dhibkooda BANANKA. HG is now 'laying low' and playing 'settler' card niin degmada kula joggo keliya cuz they know haday 'wax samayan' waxaa ka soo bixi kara iyagu way og yihin tani laftigooda in arintu aysan ahayn 91-2004 manta. Dekedi, airportki, isbaradi, manta ma yaalo in their advantage to keep 'reer koonfur hostage' gacantooda bay ku jirta and they know WHAT U DID TO THEM and they know U REFUSED INA SALAD GOVT marka cid kale aad yeealysid maba jirto. They just waiting for an excuse inay 'buufis' kugu bilaaban.
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I am just saying there was 2 approaches to HG in Majerten. Keenadiid option which civilized them and helped build them up under the 'somalinimo' card. All the great ppl they talk about are from the founder of this kingdom, they can deny or hate it all they want. Not a single great man can they mention who has not an 'awoowe' at least linked to Keenadiid or his grand children 'sharmarke dynasty'. Where-as POST 91 we adopted Abdillahi yusuf view on HG. 'DESTROY AT ALL COSTS' and remove their 'influence' from Somalia.

This has succeeded in the south. Their in control of nothing and 'settlers' only. Heck even 2004 Hawiye warlords(murusade) gave up and voted YEY when they saw 'abdiqasim salat' come back and say 'hg' ima ogolo in aan dawlad ka dhiso hamar. Lots of hawiye 'gave up' that day except @Loyan who I am starting to doubt is REAL HAWIYE or he would know this, how can I know this cuz I know my abtiyaal when they talk about HG the 'disgust' in their face. Way ka quusteen and this stems from that 'abdiqasim salat' govt being rejected by their own cousins. Hawiye ditched these niggas that day and they have been in 'isolation' mode ever since. INFACT they get 'attacked' everywhere they are now in hamar not to the level of 'abdillahi yusuf' but they still 'raid hg senators' and siyasi and qabqable(spoilers). Bimaale is using 'arms' to get rid of em in marka.

Abdillahi 'started' this is how 'HG' view it, but it had to be done is what i am telling them. U wouldnt even accept ina salad in hamar and HG need to tanasul on this and realize dhibkooda gudaha ayaa ka wayn dhibkooda BANANKA. HG is now 'laying low' and playing 'settler' card niin degmada kula joggo keliya cuz they know haday 'wax samayan' waxaa ka soo bixi kara iyagu way og yihin tani laftigooda in arintu aysan ahayn 91-2004 manta. Dekedi, airportki, isbaradi, manta ma yaalo in their advantage to keep 'reer koonfur hostage' gacantooda bay ku jirta and they know WHAT U DID TO THEM and they know U REFUSED INA SALAD GOVT marka cid kale aad yeealysid maba jirto. They just waiting for an excuse inay 'buufis' kugu bilaaban.
Kkkkk am I a sheegato ditoore?
I don't blame @DrOsman for supporting anarchy since his motherside of the family is a tribe with the same name as al hawiyah the lowest level of hell likewise we have @Boqor Quark Boqor Cisman whos motherside of the family is from cabudwaaq which literally means worship waaq an ancient pagan cow god in the sky, who has become a secularist, siad barre is his uncle who implemented communist atheist Leninist system in somalia and if you bring up the shariah he is vehmently opposed to the implementation of divine laws in somalia.

Caabudwaaq was name after the Ogaden sub-clan who used to settle there before they moved to NFD. Your dhabacayo clan also have







A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Caabudwaaq was name after the Ogaden sub-clan who used to settle there before they moved to NFD. Your dhabacayo clan also have





Say all you want but we dont live in a place called worship waaq.

Can you call those who live in a place called worship waaq can we even consider them to be muslim?


I know we hear the common 'myths' he was mad-man who killed people because of tribe, raped women, looted properties. This is only one side of the history of Aideed and it's TOTALLY BIASED to the facts surrounding this man. Aideed only started killing 'daaroods' when they started to create a 'dual govt' with 'ali mahdi' as president. Before that, we wouldn't of known what Aideed plan was for Somalia if he wasn't disturbed by some spoilers.

I say this because look at 'siyad barre' who was a military man and from a clan that is not known for 'wisdom or political saviness', the nation didn't interfere and let him run the country for 21 years and some people consider him the 'father of the nation' till today. What if we let Aideed run Somalia and not install another government. Give him 5 year mandate to turn away from military activities and begin the 'nation building' no-one knows what aideed could've amounted too. I personally think he would've been a Somali hero.

Why you may ask? He clearly was a 'general' and military guys are not known for corruption, looting, and pure nationalist. Their not even known for 'politics' but keep the nation heart as their sole priority. That's why the 'military' men are usually always loved in the western history, their not about politics or ideas or a small party or group but the national good like 'churchill'. The other thing is Aideed was literally broke, he inherited nothing from the loot, so he clearly had ambitions larger then 'economic gains'. There was no tribal warfare happening untill 'ali mahdi' was elected as President of Somalia while HG did the 'military gains' not 'abgaal' which is a big kick in the teeth runti.

I personally like to think Somalia would've gone down a different path if Aideed was given 5 year mandate and no opposition existed so we can examine what his intention was for the nation. Unfortunately this didn't happen and we will never know. He responded tribally in the end to the 'jambal' of 'ali mahdi' presidency to ensure he can remain surviving and I think he responded tribally because he knew it was the darod who did this in particularly Majerten and why the brunt of killings were towards Majerten and not so much other darods.

Anyways a careful analysis needs to be done of Aideed prior to ali mahdi presidential nomination and after ali mahdi presidential nomination and we need to ask ourselves why would we ball bust the man. I personally have a soft spot for HG, we as PL have been shifted towards abdillahi yusuf view of HG to 'destroy at all cost' HG, where-as my ancestors such as keenadiid were about building up and helping 'HG' when they came to Galgaduud. I think this difference of views towards HG is still silently raging within PL and blew out in a total war in 2001 in PL.
What a disgrace. Aidiid is the reason my grandmother and other family members got executed in brought daylight just because they were reer mudug. I lost my reer bicdiyaan grandma because she was married to my reer mahad grandpa who was a ssdf affiliate. Alxamdulilah hea still alive. Aided ordered to kill these people. This is info gathered from testimonies. There was this story that a soldier captured an old lady called maryam. He brought her to aided and he was about to kill her when aided stopped the murder he said let her go but next time dont bring her To me. Just kill her on the spot.


@Reer-Bari I can only vouch for mogadishu in 1999. It was highly green line city similar to how Galkacyo is. Ana indhayga ku soo arkay, ciidaamo abgaal iyo hg magalada uu jeexay xad cagaaraan iyo way isku dhici jireen from time to time but nothing 'major' waxaa la oran kara 'skermishes'. I can vouch for this period of Mogadishu history and noone will tell me other-wise. As for the era of 91-99 and what happened, I will need to gather 'evidences' from all sides.

Listen the reality is 'siyad barre' red beret used to kill people also, my 'habar yar' nearly was killed one night by the red beret who was stopped because of some guy who was majerten that was related to her. So please do not act like 'darods' were not doing this or potentially STARTED this 'tactic'. See as half hawiye iyo half darod I can 'be objective' as I have access to both sides of the story, sorry @Reer-Bari you don't.

Imagine how many hawiye have the same or similar story as my 'habar yar', potentially thousands if not more. Do not act like a saint too me waryaa, I do not accept 'been cad' oo aan xishood'ba lahayn. But in all honesty ma 'arag' qof hawiye ah oo oranayo 'majerten ba qayb ka ah' xasuuqa hawiye in the early 'days of the war'. It's more 'MAREHAN, DHULBAHANTE, OGADEN' who were 'red berets' of siyad barre going into people home and killing them or raping them, especially dissidents.

But where i stop my abtiyaal, this MOD click wasn't a qabiil, the only reason they stopped killing MJ was way isdhiibeen but they were doing the same tactics on MJ when they were in rebellion. MOD wuxu laha 'hadaf' qarameed, marka anigu markasi ayaan 'cadifadooda' soo xira because cadifad ba lagu kor dara 'facts' in somalia.

Anyways according to my father where he failed was talking to his best friends in 'sacad' especially 'caare' you know him? osman mahmoud have good relationship with sacadka. Its only omar mahmoud. We tried to help them to figure out a 'way out of this dilemma' for their clan. I am talking their respected leaders. The issue isn't 91, mj can be convinced to forgive if it means returning to a normal state. My dad told him, only the shicib are little 'cuqdad' not the leaders. Most MJ were in hamar helping sacad when PL conference happened, my dad wasnt apart of PL conference, hamar buu joggay.

The biggest issue that needs resolving is 'hawiye' especially after what happene when darod left. He said this where the 'large' massacres happened of quality people from hawiye clans. No offence @Reer-Bari your ayeeyo 'samaayn' wayn uma gaysan beesha majerten, maybe your family, but not tolka. This isn't the same story in dagaalka afarta bilood.

I hope to do a 'case study' on HG, I think the key lies here, if their stable, hawiye will follow them. Abgaal is seen as a 'doqon' in hawiye. It was ina qasim marku yiri 'tolkayga ayaa ii diiday dawlad' my dad never spoke to HG again about politics. Wuxuna uu hub siibtay abdillahi yusuf taageeridisa, even jamac ali jamac he told him, give up and stop thinking u can save them. arintooda wa fog tahay, yaysan hal beel hor istagin qaranimada somaliyeed let abdillahi deal with it. Which is the option that now prevails for them 'isolation' from govt, losing all control of cities, the locals uprising and armed, in the end wala bursanaya.
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Dhulbahante is always fighting on the right side of history lol. Defending the 'qaran' and siyad barre lol. They also defended 'sayid' which is basically the value system of somalia '1 people, 1 language, 1 culture, 1 religion' where u think all that mantra and war cry came from? it was sayid idealogy, we still adhere to it 150 years later. He won the history, love it or hate it. It's like the confederates vs the northern side of america, the confederates can cry the south will rise all they want but they lost the hearts, minds, soul of the american ppl to the northern groups. The confederacy value system doesn't prevail in America like the northern value system does.

I am realistic looking at the value system in a country today and looking back at their history to see where the 'root' of that value system lies and 'dhibka' loo soo maray si ay uu hirgasho. I do it with any country I go to. I assess what's in their mouth, souls, hearts, and if I see the same pattern across the population. I read their history to see when this value system came and how it came and dhibka loo maray.


U will see with 'kenyan and ethiopians' hadafkooda 'ethiopian iyo kenyanimo' is purely on the lips not in REAL practise, they abadon each other locally n overseas, you can see it's a relatively new value system or it hasn't reached the point of 'heart, soul, mind' of their population. Ma aha mid dhiig badan loo daadshay oo shacabka qaluubtooda ku jira, they still refer to their ethnicities as their real value system. But they at least live in peace with each other. That is a positive. Rwanda seems like it has achieved it after the civil war though, maybe they needed to go thru pain to realize their 'rwandans' first and foremost. Somalis had to kill each other before they accepted this SAYID IDEALOGY.


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