Warlord Muse Bihi Speech In Erigavo

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Funny points he raised. He doesn't know Italian Somalia had TWO SEPARATE territories.

1. Southern Somalia, a colony
2. Majertenia and Hobyo sultanates(similar to oman) who was a protectorate under britain yet had it's own sultanates. He is creating his own 'revised' history and hence noone in somalia will bother listening to him

British Somaliland had 5 treaties, he doesn't speak about that. Why would you have 5 treaties if you were the same 'territory'? it doesn't make sense, to have 5 treaties and be one territory? 1 treaty 1 territory. That make sense. He isn't speaking the truth on somaliland and we need to ask 'various' elders in somaliland not just one and then 'cross reference' and analyze their claims. Somalia only had 2 treaties. One with Hobyo and one with Bari.

The rest were colonies and there is no official treaty that we know of in italian colonial records and suggestive it was 'territory' or any kingdom there at the time that was 'active' most likely it was under oman or zanzibar and when it collapsed the italians took over since they were 'subjects' and not free and had no rulers among themselves. Same happened to Somaliland after they destroyed the ottomans, the territory was basically no ruler but multiple tribal elders each with his own territory and people

However the sultan of warsangeli was 'advanced' and wasn't apart of 'ottomans' it was totally 'habar awal thing' is my opinion anyways, but warsangeli sultanates is more in comparison with 'majerten' sultanates, it was smaller but it was far more advanced then anything in the NORTH at the time.

He needs to know sxb what he is talking about before he opens his mouth or else people will dismiss him as 'ignorant' and only fed his 'jeegaan story' which isn't factual or else you wouldn't be 30 years without recognition because the world knows your full of shit. Untill they hear you speak the truth, they won't respect you sxb aduunka and will see you as a 'tribal project' and totally dismiss you. They have intelligence agency that collect information and they balance it out against all views(all tribes) and 'analyze' it for probabilities and historical checks and select what is the closest to the truth. You can't fool them even if you really wanted too.
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Habar Awal waa la hayste mar walbo, mar ottoman iyo marki lagu jebiyay dagaaladi aduunka siiba ki kowad, engriski ayaa tagay meel kasto uu ottomanka baneeyay oo somaliland kamid ahaa siiba aagasi habar awasha iyo galbeedka oo dhan. Ma iman dhinaca burco iyo erigavo waana sababta ay dhaqankooda weli somali yahay. Marki ottomanka jabay, engris ba oday iyo oday la hadlay somaliland waa macqul ileen mamul kama jirin lala hadlo.

Lakin darawish hadal kama dhaxaynin wuxu ku jiray darawishta iyo yagyeelida kingdomkasi oo taleex casimad uu ahaa oo runti meelo badan gaadhay saamaynteedu. Sultan of warsangelina hadee waa dawlad to dawlad ba dhacay marku engris la hadlayay wuxu haystay territory, umad hos-tagta, wuxu haystay trading post at las qoray, wuxu haystay xirir dibadeed iyo saxiibo calamka. Waa kingdom, ma wayneen lakin kingdom kasto 'miisaankeedu' isma la'ega lakin waa kingdom lama diidi kara taa ama tarikhda ba diidan tahay.

Anyways my father cut somaliland short to me and said boqorkisa waa halkee? london baan iri, and he is like good. He said yuu iska xoraynaya? i said somalia? marka muxu yahay isagu? somali. He said no, somali oo iska xoraynayo somali halkeedu lagu arkay. Then he said to me somali ma aha waa caday taa dee waa wax kale aan la garanaynin oo loo bahan in la daba galo wuxu yahay zinjiyadisa. Gaal ba lay iska xoraya layskama xorayo qof somali oo xeer ka dhaxayso madafacker, he doesnt even listen to when muse speaks. He said siilanyo is good man lakin. Anyways my father said dadki hore ma joggan manta dalka, waxaa la wareegay juhalo, idoor iyo dilkeedu waa ku janno galaysan sida sayid abdulle, somali iska xoraynayo somali halkeedu lagu arkay buu yiri my father, that indicates your no somali and you must bee gaal.
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My father wrapped it up beautifully, somali iska xoraynayso somali halkee lagu arkay, ma gaal ba isagu and he said gaal means 'oromo' in somali old times not white people? somali miyanu ahayn? marka yaaba iska xoraynaysa? weligeed ma dhicin somali oo somali iska xorayo, id00r maqawi waalan oo weligeed la soo shir tago wax umada maxmed ka nixisa buu abahay yiri
My father wrapped it up beautifully, somali iska xoraynayso somali halkee lagu arkay, ma gaal ba isagu and he said gaal means 'oromo' in somali old times not white people? somali miyanu ahayn? marka yaaba iska xoraynaysa? weligeed ma dhicin somali oo somali iska xorayo, id00r maqawi waalan oo weligeed la soo shir tago wax umada maxmed ka nixisa buu abahay yiri


When I say puntland should be independent. The reason I say that is, shaki ba iga jira inay somali yihin hawiye-rahanwayn oo koonfurta joggo, hadan somalinimadooda hubin kari, ma yirahdeen puntland ha goosato. Nimankasi uma eeka somali dhinac tarikh, xeer, iyo oromo weligood lama dagalamin, iyo xuman somaliyeed mooye wax kale kama arki waa cadow nagu dhex jira. Marka anigu markan puntland independent ha noqoto markan oranayo waxaan ula jeeda, oromadi ba dalka koonfurteeda jogto oo somali iska dhigayo oo dalkeeni sida uu galay, haday somali dhab ah yihin way ka nixi lahayeen dalka.

My father wrapped it up well and said somali wa dir iyo darod iyo wax aan la garanaynin anaguna wax aan la garanaynin inaan ka tagi baan ku doodaya ma aha in somali iska xoranayo. He said he is prepared to stay in somalia if they can prove their somali sxb koley 30 sano kama jeediyay, waa in dhib loo eega nimankani zinjiyadooda, tarikhdooda, xeerkooda iyo ilalinteedu, sababto ah qof aan ilalin somali dhaqankeedu iyo xeerkeedu dawladeedu ilalin maayo is how my father told me.

Yeah its true, meeshi laga rabay inay ka dagalaman reer puntland kama dagalaman, iyo meeshi aan laga rabin inay ku dagalaman way ku dagalaman. My father said. War id00rkasi waa in mar walbo la xoreeya sida tarikhda horey. Dagaalka id00r waa dagaal lagu ilalnayo xeerka somaliyeed iyo mid diin-ba oo la doonayo in umadasi boqor engris la hosgeeyo oo loo sacad tumo caleemo saarkeeda waana boqor aan muslim ahayn ka waran.
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You need to teach your people the traditions and cultures of somalis way before colonial period. Abahay is adamant niin aan aqoon dhaqanka, uma talin karo umada. Niin aan garanaynin xeerka somaliyeed ilalin maayo dawlad somaliyeed. Because dawladu waxay ilalinaysa dadkasi zinjiyadisa,luqadisa, dhaqankisa, iyo xeerkisa. Haday keliya taqano luqadisa iyo zinjiyadisa oo aan aqoon xeerkisa wala gaalayn kara kkkk iyo masuqmasuq waa badana ileen ma yaqano sharciga umadasi.

Qardho waa casimada dhaqanka somaliyeed gebi ahanba wayna ahayd weligeed. Waxana soo raca reer sanag hadayba naga saaraynin. My father is adamant reer sanaag ba ugu fican dhaqanka iyo xeerka because isma dilane, reer bari waba isdilaye waxay muujinaysa inaysan 100% yihin.

The closer u r t o sanaag the closer you are to tradition and culture, so that explains why bari is second, nugaal third, sool 4th, mudug last. Abahay was right qardho casimada dhaqanka ma aha, erigavo weeye. Way isbunbuniyane, way is dilan malin walbo. Casimada boqortoyada ha dhaheen waa laga yaaba taa lakin not dhaqanka
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Ceerigabo used to be warsengali city, infact we controlled all the way up to maydh.I think the people there have flipped clans.


Then in 1990s warsengali and habar jeclo were looted then kicked out of there.
Then HY came to attack yubbe for no reason.
@beinher @government
Ceerigabo used to be warsengali city, infact we controlled all the way up to maydh.I think the people there have flipped clans.


Then in 1990s warsengali and habar jeclo were looted then kicked out of there.
Then HY came to attack yubbe for no reason.
@beinher @government
The demographic shift is insane sxb in less than 50 years we are less than 30% when we owned the whole place :faysalwtf:
The demographic shift is insane sxb in less than 50 years we are less than 30% when we owned the whole place :faysalwtf:
Imagine if we joined somaliland, we will be wiped out.I saw another thread where @Bohol and some other kid were arguing if Ceerigabo was HJ or HY.
There is no hospitals in our regions, the infant mortality rate is sky high and the population is not increasing as fast.I am no qabilist but alot of somalis are , look at how minorities are treated.
When i go back to somalia in 3 years i will use my skills to focus on our hometowns and help implement growth policies plus education inshallah.



Ceerigabo used to be warsengali city, infact we controlled all the way up to maydh.I think the people there have flipped clans.


Then in 1990s warsengali and habar jeclo were looted then kicked out of there.
Then HY came to attack yubbe for no reason.
@beinher @government

Liar that's bullshit my dad said muse ismacil ayaa marti loo yahay dhinaca erigavo in all the gabays he read. Don't create your own history, muse ismacil wa dad gob oo boos ku siiyay haku caasiyoobin and claim the whole place. Like IDP claiming fuckin garowe and bosaso in 100 years. No way, it's all gonna be written down the date they entered, the reason they entered, and all of it.

Show me one gabay warsangeli erigavo lagu sheegay? Dad aan ahayn ugaslabe ay warsangeli soo dhowayeen lama haayo, your tight arses sxb in history. You don't even allow anyone near your mountains in calmadow, forget about helping out with land or settling clans fleeing wars in the past.

Muse ismacil waan maqlay, he said gob gobi dhalay weeye oo 100 sano naga xorayo arimaha dhaqanka iyo xeerka somaliyeed.
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Muse ismacil invited siwaqroon, dhulbahante, warsangeli when they left their wars behind, we were barbaric sxb in the past, it was constant clan wars in bari which is probably why they hate wars now. Where-as it was probably very peaceful in the south and their not used to wars or recovering from it quickly. It's like water of a ducks back in puntland having wars, we can move on quickly with no cuqdad because we are adjusted to it.

@CangeeroBear There is this great warsangeli war in bari where you were tied to your ankles and slaughtered one by one all your 'rag' to make your diya male count go down and possibly how u settled sanaag is thru these wars and were civilized by the far more superior muse ismacil. Because dubays waa xoolo laftigisu and he is in bari and constant wars. But notice Omar who is near muse ismacil, dhaqan bala baray siday ila tahay.

I am telling u if we had erigavo as capital, all somalis will become civilized over night. Puntland is nightmare in history, all covered in blood our history, from bari-nugaal-mudug, bisinka u know how many wars happened there. That is probably why we are peaceful now
Muse ismacil invited siwaqroon, dhulbahante, warsangeli when they left their wars behind, we were barbaric sxb in the past, it was constant clan wars in bari which is probably why they hate wars now. Where-as it was probably very peaceful in the south and their not used to wars or recovering from it quickly. It's like water of a ducks back in puntland having wars, we can move on quickly with no cuqdad because we are adjusted to it.

@CangeeroBear There is this great warsangeli war in bari where you were tied to your ankles and slaughtered one by one all your 'rag' to make your diya male count go down and possibly how u settled sanaag is thru these wars and were civilized by the far more superior muse ismacil. Because dubays waa xoolo laftigisu and he is in bari and constant wars. But notice Omar who is near muse ismacil, dhaqan bala baray siday ila tahay.

I am telling u if we had erigavo as capital, all somalis will become civilized over night. Puntland is nightmare in history, all covered in blood our history, from bari-nugaal-mudug, bisinka u know how many wars happened there. That is probably why we are peaceful now
When are these wars modern era or post modern era. Were they gun fights or waran we're talking


When are these wars modern era or post modern era. Were they gun fights or waran we're talking

Spears and Swords from what I was told, no guns at the time. Talking 300-400 years ago, that battle is known as 'duubya xiir' literally meaning 'lugihi baa laga wada xiray' so they can't escape any man warsangeliga kkkk.

Bari was a nightmare according to my father, nugaal was where it was peaceful but it had problems too but a lot less then bari and mudug. Warsangeli is peaceful now(not all, dubays is very violent) but reer sanaag is peaceful people and you can feel safe in their territories not worrying you will be killed or harmed or looted as they abide by somali xeer that's who u call gob sxb in old somali dhaqan


Wars always happen in kingdoms, it's natural but what is needed is meel looga hisabtamo beeshasi wa hadu guri nidaam leh lee yahay which HG don't have one, hence waa iska oromo dee in loola dhaqmo ileen xeerki ma yaqanan ama ma dhowrane, maxanu isku fahmayna marka? dagaal weeye.

Most of the time PL in general was peaceful but if wars happened they would big wars oo laga sheekeeyo tarikhda and gets handed down because it was such big event to them that it wasn't the norm of their every-day lives.
Spears and Swords from what I was told, no guns at the time. Talking 300-400 years ago, that battle is known as 'duubya xiir' literally meaning 'lugihi baa laga wada xiray' so they can't escape any man warsangeliga kkkk.

Bari was a nightmare according to my father, nugaal was where it was peaceful but it had problems too but a lot less then bari and mudug. Warsangeli is peaceful now(not all, dubays is very violent) but reer sanaag is peaceful people and you can feel safe in their territories not worrying you will be killed or harmed or looted as they abide by somali xeer that's who u call gob sxb in old somali dhaqan
the only reason he hates dubays is because they karbaashed MJ in ceelayo


Listen to abdillahi yusuf from 5:00 mark. It's very true, dee dad aan wax fahmaynin(xeer somaliyeed or the rules of somalis) he doesn't even have to spell everything out for you, hadad somali tahay waa fahmaysa u don't need to be spelled out like a child. Dagaal ba dhacayso hadi aan xeer oolin. Ninkan waa jano gallay walle, wuxu la dagalamay gaalo oo rabo inay boqor engris boqor dhigtane iyo xaduudeedu kadibna somali kale ku qasbane. waxana yaab leh waa jabhad dawlad iska dhigayo, qori iyo xoog bay dawlad ku rabane iyo dawlad waa mid shacabka ka timado ma aha mid qori ka timado.

Notice siilanyo, none of that shit he knows dhaqanka somaliyeed. Its these guys awdal sida dahir rayale, cigaal was our wars and now sacad muse.



Just because @Saalax Bidaar @Bohol and I are friends now, doesn't mean that will be the case forever. Look at Abdillahi Yusuf even though reer sanaag made peace for him just a few years before he gave this interview as somali president, he won't tolerate violations of somali xeer ileen taas ba somali lagu yahay. So if PL do something wrong in a few years time against SL, you think bohol and saalax will sit there and allow it which I doubt PL dhaqan uma laha waxasi anyways unless clearly 'wronged' will it defend itself. These jeegaan kids are despserate to stop the revolution to dethrone and jail muuse bihi in burco with sacad yonis jail attendant watching him for 'xabsi da'in'..



Not mj but osman maxamoud

MJ/WARSAN can't be fooled by these SNM thugs, we are boqortoyo sxb, we got good elders and good base of educated people and diaspora who advice our clans always. U saw how abdillahi yusuf said at the 5:00 min mark, if you try to play games with us or any tricks, we gonna whoop your ass. We know all the games sxb and not stupid like some other clans niyahow. PL is always writing down 'the different weji siyasadeed' ay la yimadan beeluhu to examine ujeedka laga lee yahay, but we know it's all faces to stall the nation and keep it soweto style so the rich and strong hartis dont come back cause we dont play in soweto conditions, we royalty brother. Sumcada iskama riddayno for this crappy moryan nation
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