WAR CUSUB! Jamaica plans to ask Britain for reparations over slavery!


Minister of Propaganda
If anyone deserves reparations, its Haiti man.

They literally had to pay France for the freedom and sunken cost of every person on the island.



If anyone deserves reparations, its Haiti man.

They literally had to pay France for the freedom and sunken cost of every person on the island.

You simply can't trust Madow people with large amounts of money. These rastamouse are gonna eat the billions in a few months. Haiti deserve it far more than them
You simply can't trust Madow people with large amounts of money. These rastamouse are gonna eat the billions in a few months. Haiti deserve it far more than them


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Why the italian bought them to us

What is this weird historical revisionism some Somalis like to practice? "The Arabs brought them. We had nothing to do with it." and now Italians? No, saxiib. Somalis actively took in southeast African slaves and partook in the slave-trade and used them for things like plantations in Koonfur. Even northerners were big-time with the slave-trade coming out of Ethiopia.

Nope. No evidence of this. The only time slavery is truly documented is in the pre-Islamic era by the Greeks in documents like the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea when they say the port-towns along the Somali coast did sell slaves as a minor export. There is no record of this after Islam. Even recall some of the Arab writers noting explicitly that the "Berbers" (Somalis) are not sold as slaves given that they have mostly all converted to Islam and this is the case in the Early Modern era. Lone, occasional people were bound to be kidnapped and enslaved as with any other group but there was no established industry of Somali slaves and if anything Somalis themselves were participants in the slave-trade on the other side of the process. Keeping plantation slaves in the riverine south and urban dwellers keeping house-slaves and so forth.

Bantu slaves in the south in 1885:


Somalis in the north involved in slavery in the 1800s:

The slave caravans from Abyssinia to Tajurrah were usually escorted by the Rer Guleni, a clan of the great Eesa tribe, and they monopolised the profits of the road. Summoned to share their gains with their kinsmen generally, they refused upon which the other clans rose about August, 1854, and cut off the road. A large caravan was travelling down in two bodies, each of nearly 300 slaves; the Eesa attacked the first division, carried off the wives and female slaves, whom they sold for ten dollars a head, and savagely mutilated upwards of 100 wretched boys. This event caused the Tajurrah line to be permanently closed. The Rer Guleni in wrath, at once murdered Masud, a peaceful traveller, because Inna Handun, his Abban or protector, was of the party who had attacked their proteges: they came upon him suddenly as he was purchasing some article, and stabbed him in the back, before he could defend himself. - First footsteps in East Africa

Somalis have no business playing any slave card.


𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑
What is this weird historical revisionism some Somalis like to practice? "The Arabs brought them. We had nothing to do with it." and now Italians? No, saxiib. Somalis actively took in southeast African slaves and partook in the slave-trade and used them for things like plantations in Koonfur. Even northerners were big-time with the slave-trade coming out of Ethiopia.
Wow I thought that Italian bought them during the occupation
I wonder what the large amount of British Jamaicans will think of this. I don’t believe anyone will get reparations


Minister of Propaganda
Reparations from who? If we ask Italy for Mickey mouse reparations then the rest of gaajo Africa will come begging to Europe.

Italy already gave Libya reparations.

I think they will also give Somalia reparations after the FGS get their house in order.


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