Youre oppressing your selvesAllah is with the oppressed and they shall be defeated inshallah.
Wadar iyo Waaxid yaa Waalan
MX vs HG
MX vs MJ
MX vs OG
MX vs Garre
MX vs MX
yaa waalanse
Youre oppressing your selvesAllah is with the oppressed and they shall be defeated inshallah.
Peace he can get in Gedo.Yes according to Dabcaser.
Dabcasar is calling for peace
He's the same guy who calls himself Reer Mudug despite being from Cabudwaaq. I guess Walaalaha Galgaduud didn't work out so great for him.Doollow is A Border Town in Gedo
Doollo is the Gobol (Wardheer)
this dayuus yaa naga ceshta
He’s clearly a doqonHe's the same guy who calls himself Reer Mudug despite being from Cabudwaaq. I guess Walaalaha Galgaduud didn't work out so great for him.
I am not sure there’s a peace in Gedo right now.Peace he can get in Gedo.