Wallahi if your hooyo didn't bring this home you are not Somali bro


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred

إنهم لا يريدونك. التوقف عن التصرف غبي.
من فضلك توقيف من إستعمال هذه الكلمات. أنا عربي و أنت عربي كمان نحن عرب الحمدلله


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.

My childhood :i83dwbv:
Used to drink that until my hooyo bought this one.
images (1).jpeg

This thing has changed my life. Can't live without it. :banderas:
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انا اريد اتعلم اللغة العربية
Arabic is a beautiful language bro , good for you .
there are a alot of apps and YT vids you can use ,and if you can listen to Arabic classic poems and shicir like u do with music .
or if you can afford it spend 2 to 3 months in Egypt or gulf countries
you will be fluent in no time.

وَإِنّي أَعشَقُ السُمرَ العَوالي
وَغَيري يَعشَقُ البيضَ الرِشاقا
وَكاساتُ الأَسِنَّةِ لي شَرابٌ
أَلَذُّ بِهِ اِصطِباحاً وَاِغتِباقا
وَأَطرافُ القَنا الخَطِّيِّ نَقلي
وَرَيحاني إِذا المِضمارُ ضاقا

— عنترة بن شداد

and this is for you , one of my favorite :whew:
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I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
it's ok bro , you don't have to understand everything, your brain will remember these words once you hear it used by people around you ,you subconscious picks it up and it will make it easier for you to learn the Language
That is so true bro, I wish to read more poems then of Imrul Qays and 3ntarah ibn Shadad
That is so true bro, I wish to read more poems then of Imrul Qays and 3ntarah ibn Shadad

this is the back story for this peom , it's before islam , it's one of the 7 mucalaqat , they used to hang them on the walls of the Kacba before Islam.

"One day, the sixth century King of Hira, Amr Bin Hind, asked if there were anyone, among the entire Arab tribes, whose mother would refuse serving his own mother, Hind. In answer to his question, he was told: “Indeed such a person exists; his name is Amr Bin Kalthoum.”

Upon inquiring about the reason, the answer was: “Because he is of royal decent and the scion of noble chiefs and legendary knights.”

Presently, the King extended an invitation to Amr Bin Kalthoum and asked that his mother, Layla, also accompany him. Amr accepted the invitation and repaired to Hira, with his mother.

Upon arrival, Hind asked Layla to fetch her an article of food, to which Layla commented, “Let those in need of the article fetch it for themselves.”

When Hind insisted, Layla screamed, “How humiliating!”
Layla’s son heard the remark, drew his sword and severed the head of the king, and spontaneously recited this famous ode, referred to as Muallaqa."

