Walahi we got straight up xooged

HMS is critiqued everyday on here as he should be but this situation is honestly not on him. If a country wants to act like bitter ex then it's on them, he should just cut ties and any further threats should go to ICJ.
We need to stand behind our president. I am getting so tired of Somalis from either SIDE not understanding that point.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Cracking Up Lol GIF


Somali supremacist
Common Habashi loving Cbb L HSM won by painting Ethiopia as undiplomatic
Meanwhile here is Abiy himself begging to meet HSM you niggas are just the same as Seccesionists both Cbb and Heego dickride Habashis.

Cause he want to kill him personally 😂


I'm confused why the AU is hosted in Ethiopia, a country that has had countless genocides and brutal government oppression, it makes more sense to host it in Kenya or Tanzania.
Prestige I suppose. The UN is hosted in New York despite how imperialist America is. Only difference is US is smart enough to not act like these Ethiopian fools. Could you imagine if the US did tge same to China or Iran. Ethiopia continue to shoot themselves in the foot politically.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
I don't think we can blame HSM on this. Ethiopia has proved they can't host the AU HQ. You can't do this to member countries of any organization as host even if you have disputes.

The steps HSM can take if his serious which I doubt

Expel Ethiopian AU troops immediately from S somalia

Don't attend any future AU summit in Ethiopia till they withdraw the MOU and respect member nations.
Look most people hear are pretty stupid thinking hsm is weak he isn't he's already shown to the world how unstable abiy is and he already has the full backing of Arab league and Islamic nation league we outmanoeuvred them abiy is desperate I have friends who work in Addis and they literally tell me how petrified the are there committing genocide but people think hsm Muhammed is losing your looking at Yugoslavia on steroids over there the au has no power and legitimize the literally have genocidal manic making speeches that like assad making speeches.


Look most people hear are pretty stupid thinking hsm is weak he isn't he's already shown to the world how unstable abiy is and he already has the full backing of Arab league and Islamic nation league we outmanoeuvred them abiy is desperate I have friends who work in Addis and they literally tell me how petrified the are there committing genocide but people think hsm Muhammed is losing your looking at Yugoslavia on steroids over there the au has no power and legitimize the literally have genocidal manic making speeches that like assad making speeches.
I'm still surprised they haven't kicked the Ethiopian Ambassador out, seriously if they need soldiers trained they can call up the old heads, my Uncle was drill sergeant back in the day, I assume there are quite a few ex-military guys still around.
I'm still surprised they haven't kicked the Ethiopian Ambassador out, seriously if they need soldiers trained they can call up the old heads, my Uncle was drill sergeant back in the day, I assume there are quite a few ex-military guys still around.
Not necessary because abiy is such a nacas he has no self control if he stop hsm form coming into the au what do you think the rest of the world is thinking the Americans are watching this all and I'm telling you they have close eye on abiy that's why abiy hasn't done anything that why mou is dead hsm beat them easily without doing all the extra things it would be great if he kick them out but what he did so far has made it clear Ethiopia is the aggressor and has won support au in my opinion is useless organization I feel greatful that were in the arab league and islamic league that was the best move for us if I was the Somali president i would have left the au and said it was useless organization no need for us to be there.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
Anyone see any potential somali leaders after this guy? and high ranking people to look out for? This is absolutely hopeless


Memes won’t free you
Don't worry, I'm just protecting you, or else you'll end up as an Ethiopian puppet state, just because Ethiopia nurtured SNM doesn't mean they care about you, if you have ever seen how Ethiopians treat their dogs, you'll understand.
Don't worry, I'm just protecting you, or else you'll end up as an Ethiopian puppet state, just because Ethiopia nurtured SNM doesn't mean they care about you, if you have ever seen how Ethiopians treat their dogs, you'll understand.

Countries care about their interests.

Somalia has more of an interest in crushing their own citizens.

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi. Sub-Saharans are cursed
Don't worry, I'm just protecting you from your fatal mistake,
You can’t even protect yourself from me or Ethiopia cause if you could AwBarre or Borama would be free from SL or Ethiopia.
of ending up as an Ethiopian puppet state, just because Ethiopia nurtured SNM doesn't mean they care about you, if you have ever seen how Ethiopians treat their dogs, you'll understand.
Ethiopia didn’t massacre my people unlike your mercenary clan armed by Barre who massacred unarmed JB civillians. Unlike most Landers (Isaaqs who don’t neighbour you), I don’t like your clan no matter what the political situation is, you will always have a hostile neighbour.

If war erupts in SL best believe those JB will return, chaos in SL is not in your best interest. HA have always been better at war than you and wealthier than you as well.


You can’t even protect yourself from me or Ethiopia cause if you could AwBarre or Borama would be free from SL or Ethiopia.

Ethiopia didn’t massacre my people unlike your mercenary clan armed by Barre who massacred unarmed JB civillians. Unlike most Landers (Isaaqs who don’t neighbour you), I don’t like your clan no matter what the political situation is, you will always have a hostile neighbour.

If war erupts in SL best believe those JB will return, chaos in SL is not in your best interest. HA have always been better at war than you and wealthier than you as well.
Be careful not to get shot in the back by your own people, your sand castle might come down on you all, what makes you think you'll do anything after losing a war with half-rag-tagged civis. :mjlol:

