WADANI party donates bus to Balidhiig district boarding school

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Do Garxajis have two parties now? I thought they were behind Faisal's Ucid? What happened to the powerful Habar Awal's Udub ? Lastly are the Haber Jeclos flocking Kulmiye since a habar awal in the person of Muuse Biixi is leading the party? If so which party are they heading to?


Do Garxajis have two parties now? I thought they were behind Faisal's Ucid? What happened to the powerful Habar Awal's Udub ? Lastly are the Haber Jeclos flocking Kulmiye since a habar awal in the person of Muuse Biixi is leading the party? If so which party are they heading to?

UCID is dead since WADANI is the main opposition now, all Garxajis are flocking to there. HJ are bit divided since Silanyo is no longer running,
some are with Muuse some with the opposition parties.


Ciidagalle and Habar Yoonis don't like each other. Arap hates them both. I've noticed that.

That is not true. H-Y has no problem with either of them, the vice president under
Tuur was Arap... and today they support WADANI. There use to be few tensions
in the past between Arap and Cidagale, but now they are cool.


Wadani is HY only

You wish. This was earlier but now it is H-Y , Gadabursi , Arap and possibly Cisse.




Which nicca is that ? the foreign minister? I have a feeling a lot of Somaliland politicians play both sides and are not sincere.
Desperate times call for desperate measures...

Wadani best scenario is it will become a HY+Gudabursi party and you know what happened to that alliance. It got kulmiyed lol

Nobody likes HY, not arap nor Cidagle who have their own party. The only ally they may have is some Qudhunbursi who out of fear from Mujahid Bixi will vote Wadani. The one legged HY horse


Mahoka Multi nicking, desperate times call for desperate measures. Come with your original nick kid.
Habar Jeclo own Burco and Sacad Musse own Hargeisa. That's where power lies.

Why give buses to people you know will never vote for u. The Habar Jeclo always vote as one a Bixi is like their son. They would never vote for some faqash tribalist. You stupid son
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