Visa japan

The funny thing is that their men don't even desire their women, they're called herbivores/grass eaters. They just sit around single which probably why their population is dying rapidly
lets not give reer asia lovers any ideas
You already did. Goodbye Faraxs here I come Japan



Yes , I cannot believe this is actually happening, I will plant as many noble Geeljire seed, I am speechless I cannot wait to travel there and become the emperor
Why don't Japan man and woman breed withing themselves why do Japan man and woman to breed with non Japan
And like I expected Somalis offer their woman to non Somalis like there is no tomorrow good job
Why don't Japan man and woman breed withing themselves why do Japan man and woman to breed with non Japan
And like I expected Somalis offer their woman to non Somalis like there is no tomorrow good job
We have to export what we have abundance of.. And we have enough to export from
Here is our demand in return for supplying them with baby factories each capable of delivering 10 kids before it reaches expire/scrap
Help Somalia to build first class education institutions and provide training/education
Help develop the healthcare system
Help create industry and create jobs for the local population in Somalia. In return we will provide them breed able women each capable of delivering 10 kids. Win win solution for both nations :westbrookswag:
An example of a campaign add on the streets could sound like this..
Wadankaga wax tar nin Japanese guurso,
Registre at your nearest embassy for a visa :mjlol:


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