Video of 1984 aerial attack on Borama by Ethio that killed school kids. It just dawned on me that..

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Ileen we were Ethiopia's ever since the 1977 defeat and we had no response. We were under their mercy. From 1978 till today Ethiopians have had complete impunity on how penetrate us like a female. :jcoleno:

Ileen they use to conduct airstrike sporadically from 1978 and on while our air force were decimated from 1978 and on. :hova:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been Ethiopians for 4 decades. Let that sink in


Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

wow, random airstrikes. Isn't that against international law?

Don't you know the background history of this?

We were the ones who broke international order by invading Ethiopia in 1977. Don't matter how right we felt about that invasion but the world recognized the Ogaden as part of Ethiopia.

We invaded them in 1978 and we were driven back embarrassingly ( year of course we got jumped by numerous countries and it wasn't one on one fight but we were the ones who instigated it and tried to take advantage of the chaos that was going on in Ethiopia). We were so close to having the Ethiopians and its coalition capturing the capital of Somalia. They even came way inside Somalia. Our air force was decimated because we had 1950s migs and they were useless to the Ethiopian 1970s American provided fighter jets. On top of that the Ethiopian pilots were legit experienced and superior.

Therefore from 1978 the Ethiopians had a field day on the airspace of Somalia. They regularly bombed Hargeisa and Borama and other frontier cities and towns.

Long story short, we've been the s of Ethiopia since 1978.

The demise of Somalia started 1978 not 1988
Don't you know the background history of this?

We were the ones who broke international order by invading Ethiopia in 1977. Don't matter how right we felt about that invasion but the world recognized the Ogaden as part of Ethiopia.

We invaded them in 1978 and we were driven back embarrassingly ( year of course we got jumped by numerous countries and it wasn't one on one fight but we were the ones who instigated it and tried to take advantage of the chaos that was going on in Ethiopia). We were so close to having the Ethiopians and its coalition capturing the capital of Somalia. They even came way inside Somalia. Our air force was decimated because we had 1950s migs and they were useless to the Ethiopian 1970s American provided fighter jets. On top of that the Ethiopian pilots were legit experienced and superior.

Therefore from 1978 the Ethiopians had a field day on the airspace of Somalia. They regularly bombed Hargeisa and Borama and other frontier cities and towns.

Long story short, we've been the s of Ethiopia since 1978.

The demise of Somalia started 1978 not 1988

I was always against the invasion of Ethiopia. It was very reckless. Easier to say that after the fact.

I feel like if there was a parliament and it wasn't one dictator making the decision, then they wouldn't have gone to war. And if they did, they would of ended it much faster after the international criticism.

Yeah I always hear that the real decline of Somalia started after the war ended.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Utter humiliation thanks to madax adayg of Siad Barre

I've read declassified state department assessment and activities in the Somali-Ethiopian conflict of 1977. The US ambassadors' inner interaction with Barre and their view on the situation. Man if you read this stuff you'll feel like you living in that moment. You just want to scream at Siyad Barre. He was warned by his new master, the US, to not invade because they weren't gonna give him jack shit. The man had Fidel Castro, communist Yemen and others beg him relentlessly to no invade. His arrogance was noticed by friends and users ( US) alike. They spoke behind his back of "a delusional man with grandiose image of himself. He does not understand that he is a ruler of little tiny country with 4 million people". That's what they said about him.
I've read declassified state department assessment and activities in the Somali-Ethiopian conflict of 1977. The US ambassadors' inner interaction with Barre and their view on the situation. Man if you read this stuff you'll feel like you living in that moment. You just want to scream at Siyad Barre. He was warned by his new master, the US, to not invade because they weren't gonna give him jack shit. The man had Fidel Castro, communist Yemen and others beg him relentlessly to no invade. His arrogance was noticed by friends and users ( US) alike. They spoke behind his back of "a delusional man with grandiose image of himself. He does not understand that he is a ruler of little tiny country with 4 million people". That's what they said about him.

Wallahi, this is the sad sad reality of being a dictator.

You don't have other people around you who have the balls to criticize you.

They all say yes, and you get stuck in a bubble and lose touch with reality.

I pray I'll always have a few people who're against any major decision I take in life.
Wallahi, this is the sad sad reality of being a dictator.

You don't have other people around you who have the balls to criticize you.

They all say yes, and you get stuck in a bubble and lose touch with reality.

I pray I'll always have a few people who're against any major decision I take in life.

All dictators are nutcases remember Saddam Hussein sending missiles into Saudi Arabia and Israel lmao, damn I miss those days where countries went to real wars instead of proxy wars.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Iam sure Somalis were s before that:jcoleno:

77 war should not have taken place. OG loves to be slaves.
I would never fight for them even if i had the strongest army in Africa.
Ileen we were Ethiopia's ever since the 1977 defeat and we had no response. We were under their mercy. From 1978 till today Ethiopians have had complete impunity on how penetrate us like a female. :jcoleno:

Ileen they use to conduct airstrike sporadically from 1978 and on while our air force were decimated from 1978 and on. :hova:

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been Ethiopians for 4 decades. Let that sink in

This is cycles brother we Karbshed them with ahmed gurey for decades made them EAT RAW MEAT.

they karbshed us from 77. We will regroup and Karbash them again.

Its a cycle of Karbashing. Our cycle of karbashing is about to come in the next 15-20 years.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is cycles brother we Karbshed them with ahmed gurey for decades made them EAT RAW MEAT.

they karbshed us from 77. We will regroup and Karbash them again.

Its a cycle of Karbashing. Our cycle of karbashing is about to come in the next 15-20 years.

:liberaltears::gucciwhat: Waar ileen neef daaqaya waa kanoo kale.

So you actually believe in the myth of Ahmed Gurey.

He wasn't even Somali...that's what a lot of credible historians say

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Why are we so impulsive? Read this see how nuts we are.

The Barre regime clearly played themselves. They kicked out the Soviets and made themselves available to the Americans. The Americans were willing partners and were ready to provide weapons but dictator Barre didn't even wait to gather their weapons and bite time to cement a good relationship with the Americans. They just striked a friendship with him but the lunatic waged a war when Americans weren't sure about his loyalty.
The most deranged situation was when the Soviet Somali military advisors and trainers just switched sides and took the helm of the Ethiopian army. The Somali army was so predictable because GUESS WHAT! The dude that trained knows your next move you dick head :drakelaugh::drakelaugh:

"Carter made extensive comment on Foreign Service experts on the area, written and oral briefings about Somalia, mentioned it favorably in several press conferences and had an unannounced meeting June 16 in his office with the Somali ambassador. On July 15, he authorized a U.S. agreement in principle to sell "defensive" weapons to Somalia, which quickly presented an extensive list.

But as the United States and its Western allies moved toward an alliance with Somalia, the Somalis decided to "liberate" the Ogaden while the Ethiopian enemy was in midair between a disintegrating U.S. connection and a still-emerging Soviet connection. Somali-backed guerrilla activity was stepped up sharply starting June 1. And on July 23, close to two-thirds of Somalia's Soviet-trained regular army of 32,000 armed with Soviet weapons, invaded Ethiopia.

"Never has so small a state with so few people [3 million] caused so much havoc," said a U.S. policymaker, Ethiopia's leaders, already faced with multiple insurgencies and growing opposition to radical policies, could sense the country coming apart. The Soviets were embarrassed at their arms being used to destroy their newest client - and all the more so since they had assured Ethiopia that it could safely thin its forces in the east without fear of a Somali attack. And the Western powers, appalled at the troublemaking of their tentative ally, told Somalia in early August that the arms sales were off.

Soviet leaders sought urgently to negotiate a settlement, summoning Ethiopian and Somila leaders, including Somali President Siad Barre, to Moscow. Somalia refused the mediaiton and its troops kept rolling through the Ogaden until stalled on the battlefield in mid-September.

In late October a senior Soviet military mission arrived in Ethiopia to plan massive assistance, Moscow cut off further arms shipments to Somalia, and Ethiopian leader Mengistu flew to Havana and Moscow for emergency conferences. Somalia responded, predictably on Nov. 13 by summarily ousting all Soviet military advisers and closing the Soviet base at Berbera.

According to U.S. officials who monitored the operation, there was "a slapdash nature" to the Soveit air and sea lift that began Nov. 28. Unlike the Angola intervention, which relied primarily on Cuban transport to move troops to Africa and which may have been largely Cuban-instigated, Soviet planes and ships were used this time. Soviet officers, some of whom used to advise Somali forces, are directing combat operations. All signs are that the Soviet Union, rather than Cuba, is the driving force.

Despite the growing array of Ethiopian, Soviet and Cuban military power, there is yet no indication that Somalia is engaged in a large-scale withdrawal from the Ogaden, U.S. officials said late last week. Close to 90 percent of the Somlian regular army is reported across Ethiopia's border. Nonetheless, there are few who believe that Somalia can hold its own alone against the nearly unlimited power of the Soviet-Cuban combination. The Soveit airlift, which slackened in late January and early February, has recently quickened again. The State Department estimated Thursday that Cuban forces are arriving at the rate of 200 per day.

The Carter administration, which seems to have been surprised and shaken by the powerful nature of the Soviet-Cuban intervention, has been afflicted with indecision and even dissension about what to do. In another time, countervailing power might have been ordered, overtly or convertly, but in
view of the political history of Vietnam and Angola this is considered almost impossible. And due to the illegal nature of Somali action the United States has refused so far even to permit transshipment of American-supplied weapons by allied nations to aid the Somalis.

The Horn of Africa situation has been handled at an unusually high level in the United States, with only the president and a few top advisers involved and informed. First an unsuccessful effort was made to hamper the airlift by stimulating other nations to protest Soviet flights over their territory. Then there was an unsuccessful diplomatic exploration of taking the matter to the U.N. Security Council. Now the United States is calling for Somali withdrawal, Soviet-Cuban withdrawal and a negotiated settlement."

32k soldiers :chrisfreshhah::mjlol::pachah1:
And a population of 4m:russ: war nimanyahoow waxaanu nahay exactly like a badger (Badger has no sense of fear, he'll even fight a lion although he is so little )
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Why are we so impulsive? Read this see how nuts we are.

The Barre regime clearly played themselves. They kicked out the Soviets and made themselves available to the Americans. The Americans were willing partners and were ready to provide weapons but dictator Barre didn't even wait to gather their weapons and bite time to cement a good relationship with the Americans. They just striked a friendship with him but the lunatic waged a war when Americans weren't sure about his loyalty.

"Carter made extensive comment on Foreign Service experts on the area, written and oral briefings about Somalia, mentioned it favorably in several press conferences and had an unannounced meeting June 16 in his office with the Somali ambassador. On July 15, he authorized a U.S. agreement in principle to sell "defensive" weapons to Somalia, which quickly presented an extensive list.

But as the United States and its Western allies moved toward an alliance with Somalia, the Somalis decided to "liberate" the Ogaden while the Ethiopian enemy was in midair between a disintegrating U.S. connection and a still-emerging Soviet connection. Somali-backed guerrilla activity was stepped up sharply starting June 1. And on July 23, close to two-thirds of Somalia's Soviet-trained regular army of 32,000 armed with Soviet weapons, invaded Ethiopia.

"Never has so small a state with so few people [3 million] caused so much havoc," said a U.S. policymaker, Ethiopia's leaders, already faced with multiple insurgencies and growing opposition to radical policies, could sense the country coming apart. The Soviets were embarrassed at their arms being used to destroy their newest client - and all the more so since they had assured Ethiopia that it could safely thin its forces in the east without fear of a Somali attack. And the Western powers, appalled at the troublemaking of their tentative ally, told Somalia in early August that the arms sales were off.

Soviet leaders sought urgently to negotiate a settlement, summoning Ethiopian and Somila leaders, including Somali President Siad Barre, to Moscow. Somalia refused the mediaiton and its troops kept rolling through the Ogaden until stalled on the battlefield in mid-September.

In late October a senior Soviet military mission arrived in Ethiopia to plan massive assistance, Moscow cut off further arms shipments to Somalia, and Ethiopian leader Mengistu flew to Havana and Moscow for emergency conferences. Somalia responded, predictably on Nov. 13 by summarily ousting all Soviet military advisers and closing the Soviet base at Berbera.

According to U.S. officials who monitored the operation, there was "a slapdash nature" to the Soveit air and sea lift that began Nov. 28. Unlike the Angola intervention, which relied primarily on Cuban transport to move troops to Africa and which may have been largely Cuban-instigated, Soviet planes and ships were used this time. Soviet officers, some of whom used to advise Somali forces, are directing combat operations. All signs are that the Soviet Union, rather than Cuba, is the driving force.

Despite the growing array of Ethiopian, Soviet and Cuban military power, there is yet no indication that Somalia is engaged in a large-scale withdrawal from the Ogaden, U.S. officials said late last week. Close to 90 percent of the Somlian regular army is reported across Ethiopia's border. Nonetheless, there are few who believe that Somalia can hold its own alone against the nearly unlimited power of the Soviet-Cuban combination. The Soveit airlift, which slackened in late January and early February, has recently quickened again. The State Department estimated Thursday that Cuban forces are arriving at the rate of 200 per day.

The Carter administration, which seems to have been surprised and shaken by the powerful nature of the Soviet-Cuban intervention, has been afflicted with indecision and even dissension about what to do. In another time, countervailing power might have been ordered, overtly or convertly, but in
view of the political history of Vietnam and Angola this is considered almost impossible. And due to the illegal nature of Somali action the United States has refused so far even to permit transshipment of American-supplied weapons by allied nations to aid the Somalis.

The Horn of Africa situation has been handled at an unusually high level in the United States, with only the president and a few top advisers involved and informed. First an unsuccessful effort was made to hamper the airlift by stimulating other nations to protest Soviet flights over their territory. Then there was an unsuccessful diplomatic exploration of taking the matter to the U.N. Security Council. Now the United States is calling for Somali withdrawal, Soviet-Cuban withdrawal and a negotiated settlement."

32k soldiers :chrisfreshhah::mjlol::pachah1:
And a population of 4m:russ: war nimanyahoow waxaanu nahay exactly like a badger (Badger has no sense of fear, he'll even fight a lion although he is so little )

History would be sooooo different if he waited 3 years wallahi.

Reagan administration,Defense weapons, Oil exploration from american expertise meaning rapid development plus earning Americans favors and protection.

However We would be the the strongest most Kibir infested Africans alive. My goodness if you think the Arab are arrogant could you imagine a highly developed rich Somali country with american protection "oil" interests.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
History would be sooooo different if he waited 3 years wallahi.

Reagan administration,Defense weapons, Oil exploration from american expertise meaning rapid development plus earning Americans favors and protection.

However We would be the the strongest most Kibir infested Africans alive. My goodness if you think the Arab are arrogant could you imagine a highly developed rich Somali country with american protection "oil" interests.

Walahi if he waited just just just effing 3 years. Reagan was all about countering soviet expansion and would've showered them with weapons. All that asshole Barre needed to do was to keep his attention tidily guarded. He shouldn't have expressed any intention to invade but to horde weapons. Then in 1982 invade like a madman.

What I'm shocked about is how he impulsively went in without having a concrete partnership with the US? I recognize that he had a domestic political situation and wanted to divert attention but who fucking ruins his country in the course of that.

Lastly, Barre never realized that Carter was a Christian religious extremist. Later Carter would say " I couldn't let Muslim country swallow up a historical Christian kingdom"
Walahi if he waited just just just effing 3 years. Reagan was all about countering soviet expansion and would've showered them with weapons. All that asshole Barre needed to do was to keep his attention tidily guarded. He shouldn't have expressed any intention to invade but to horde weapons. Then in 1982 invade like a madman.

What I'm shocked about is how he impulsively went in without having a concrete partnership with the US? I recognize that he had a domestic political situation and wanted to divert attention but who fucking ruins his country in the course of that.

Lastly, Barre never realized that Carter was a Christian religious extremist. Later Carter would say " I couldn't let Muslim country swallow up a historical Christian kingdom"

Reagan would think the same so what we needed was to get our oil fields going to give them a cut of our black gold ! but it is what it is.

Ethiopia is about to collapse and the greatest form of injustice the Liyu police are about to throw a plot twist in the story, the tigrey have already called back troops to deal with the Liyu police.

The Liyu police once Ethiopia collapses will play a major part in making Somali Galbeed independent mark my words. Plot twist incoming. .

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