Certified bakhti

arguably my favorite anime character of all time.
been repping him since birth
He's weak because he's emotional
arguably my favorite anime character of all time.
been repping him since birth
Krillin is a day 1 homieKrillan is the best Dragon Ball character hands down.
He's the strongest human in history .Krillan is the best Dragon Ball character hands down.
I've never watched an episode of DragonBall
Vegeta sxb. Me never really liked goku as a characterVegeta is a real nigga wallahi, but Goku is the GOAT bro
Goku or Vegeta? Tell me who you think is better
@HanadR6 @Radical Canjeerorism @Medulla @Samaalic Era @Luciddreamer @SuleymanPitt