USC were liberators of the South. The chaos and mayhem was caused by Afweyne's tribalism combined with his general failure to maintain law and order during the last few years which caused non natives to flee Muqdisho if only Afweyne chose to not be stubborn and he surrendered to mujaahid GeneralCaydiid or CaliMahdi didnt try to please Afweyne by appointing a pro appeasement/civilian cabinet without any input from USC/SNM/SPM liberation war leaders
USC were liberators of the South. The chaos and mayhem was caused by Afweyne's tribalism combined with his general failure to maintain law and order during the last few years which caused non natives to flee Muqdisho if only Afweyne chose to not be stubborn and he surrendered to mujaahid GeneralCaydiid or CaliMahdi didnt try to please Afweyne by appointing a pro appeasement/civilian cabinet without any input from USC/SNM/SPM liberation war leaders
U say Aideed liberated the south. What do u think about aiidid militia destroying all gov institutions, ethnic cleansing of darood, looting public and private property, and using food as a weapon to starve hundreds of thousands south somalia? That's what u call liberation?
U say Aideed liberated the south. What do u think about aiidid militia destroying all gov institutions

Looting and crime waves were already happening under Afweyne. Then the ciyaal faycali and other criminal elements were already present under Afweyne. Afweyne chose destroy government institutions instead of surrendering to USC fighters that overwhelmed pro Afweyne clan militiamen wearing SNA uniforms

What do u think about aiidid militia ethnic cleansing

There was no targeted ethnic cleansing planned by the USC. Afweyne panicked and cried tollaahayeey, he scared some of the nonnative minority into thinking USC was trying wipe out their clan, misunderstandings of intentions etc. before you know it a successful liberation war turned into clan militias and clan wars and CaliMahdi makes his appearance just as this was beginning. Thats the simple explanation

But if youre accusing someone of genocide you need to give more evidence than my clan sent a militia to fight for Afweyne but they got karbaashed to Caydiid/Jees etc therefore Im accusing USC of genocide
Looting and crime waves were already happening under Afweyne. Then the ciyaal faycali and other criminal elements were already present under Afweyne. Afweyne chose destroy government institutions instead of surrendering to USC fighters that overwhelmed pro Afweyne clan militiamen wearing SNA uniforms

There was no targeted ethnic cleansing planned by the USC. Afweyne panicked and cried tollaahayeey, he scared some of the nonnative minority into thinking USC was trying wipe out their clan, misunderstandings of intentions etc. before you know it a successful liberation war turned into clan militias and clan wars and CaliMahdi makes his appearance just as this was beginning. Thats the simple explanation

But if youre accusing someone of genocide you need to give more evidence than my clan sent a militia to fight for Afweyne but they got karbaashed to Caydiid/Jees etc therefore Im accusing USC of genocide
When MSB left the city was still intact.
U say Aideed liberated the south. What do u think about aiidid militia destroying all gov institutions, ethnic cleansing of darood, looting public and private property, and using food as a weapon to starve hundreds of thousands south somalia? That's what u call liberation?
Fake news also caydiid never made it about clan it was the darood who did. There’s videos on YouTube there’s no room for lies
When MSB left the city was still intact.

For the last few years of Afweyne era, Muqdisho nights belonged to to nontribal/nonpolitical youth gangs. What did you expect to happend when Afweyne destroyed the institutions of state and he even ran way with reserves of the Somaali Republic's central bank?

Fake news also caydiid never made it about clan it was the darood who did. There’s videos on YouTube there’s no room for lies

He is blaming mujaahid Caydiid for what was caused by unafiliated nontribal nonpolitial youth gangs taking advantage of Afweyne dissolving the Somali Republic. Maybe @Jungle or @Mckenzie can give their input and my fellow northerner who also takes in interest in the South the one and only @SomaliRealist
UN compounds and Darod homes (homes granted as a result of Booli Qaran) were a Ghaniima (war booty) so it's fair game for all. :manny:

I recently read an article by a Warsangeli Minister of the late 80s who jokingly asked his Abgaal neighbours why were they letting the Marehan build houses in Xamar and they said "ha iska dhistaane, anagaa u hari doonee waa goofkayagii" :drakekidding:


Funniest post in this repetitive fkd .

Mr somali speaking ethiopian @Gadhwayne this thread is from 2020 ,
Is there a reason why you decided to bring it back alive ?
Maybe the South needs USC/SPM liberation coalition maybe XSM/SS/Rooble president with Madoobe PM. I care about Southern politics because I care about reunification

Abaay abaay
Man wants reunification when I'm praying everyday after fajr for Confederate like system . Are you being sarcastic when you said reunification?

We need liberation of al Shabaab and dictator farmajo , that darood vs hawiye is dead stuff .
Today we have majerteen , OGs and other darood folks bashaaling in Jazeera , liido beach and going to universities across xamar. Our problem is with farmajo and his supporters not with jabartis , as an Ethiopian I understand why you want another tribal war in Somalia but I guarantee you a tribal war in Somalia wont help you free your ppl from abyssinia.
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Fake news also caydiid never made it about clan it was the darood who did. There’s videos on YouTube there’s no room for lies

Ignore that clown and ignore this thread that this clown @Gadhwayne brought back from the dead , shit is from 2 years ago kkkk
Prepare yourself when the silly jabartis drop the next 1991 thread if I'm not wrong I'll say they will drop one right befor Ramadan or on Eid

In the mean time blast this tune

crip walk GIF
Our problem is with farmajo and his supporters not with jabartis , as an Ethiopian I understand why you want another tribal war in Somalia but I guarantee you a tribal war in Somalia wont help you free your ppl from abyssinia.

Im against tribal wars. Afweyne's tribal wars caused the greatest missed opportunity in Soomaaliweyn history. 1991. TPLF/EPLF and article 39 with Daniel ArapMoi possibly on the ropes against Kiikuuyuu old guard. All that was needed was Afweyne to peacefully hand over power instead of destroying the central government. He even stole the reserves of the central bank.

But why arent you defending the legacy of USC liberators instead of questioning the motives of someone from the DDS region

Why would I agree with that dude

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Do you think Afweyne or USC destoyed Somaalia Italiana
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Im against tribal wars. Afweyne's tribal wars caused the greatest missed opportunity in Soomaaliweyn history. 1991. TPLF/EPLF and article 39 with Daniel ArapMoi possibly on the ropes against Kiikuuyuu old guard. All that was needed was Afweyne to peacefully hand over power instead of destroying the central government. He even stole the reserves of the central bank.

But why arent you defending the legacy of USC liberators instead of questioning the motives of someone from the DDS region

Dude I dont care about 91 , I wasnt born to see what happend. I dont like ppl that dwell on the past Imo the ppl that dwell on the past are ppl that have giving up in the present and have nothing to look forward for future , if that make sense .
Someone who says they are against tribal wars dont bring a 2 year old thread from the dead nor try hard to isku dir tribes.
Dude I dont care about 91 , I wasnt born to see what happend

We are discussing history curriculum

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If you dont know/care then stay out the way dont interrupt the people who care/know. The children fo Somaalia Italiana should be taught USC liberated Somaalia Italiana but Afweyne destroyed the instutions of state with booliqaranism, including running away with the reserves in the central bank
Ignore that clown and ignore this thread that this clown @Gadhwayne brought back from the dead , shit is from 2 years ago kkkk
Prepare yourself when the silly jabartis drop the next 1991 thread if I'm not wrong I'll say they will drop one right befor Ramadan or on Eid

In the mean time blast this tune

crip walk GIF
I enjoy their calaacal such cry babies. 1 made a thread saying allah doesn’t control the rain and I called him a gaal rightfully so and got banned from commenting :pachah1:
Ignore that clown and ignore this thread that this clown @Gadhwayne brought back from the dead , shit is from 2 years ago kkkk
Prepare yourself when the silly jabartis drop the next 1991 thread if I'm not wrong I'll say they will drop one right befor Ramadan or on Eid

In the mean time blast this tune

crip walk GIF
We moved on from 1991, my family were killed in Beledweyne following kacaan fall. I'm not looking back onto those times. we have learned from the civil war and started developing our tuulos


Minister of Propaganda
The argument USC fanboys make is that Aideed didn’t pursue a policy of killing other tribes, some of his followers took “justice” into their own hands.

Even if that’s the case, that proves the USC was not an united front.

That means even if Barre surrendered (which he should’ve done), USC would’ve still fought each other and SL would still have seceded.

In fact, it would’ve given them more incentive to fight each other as there would’ve been more resources and money left in the country meaning more stuff to fight over.

How this logic escapes people flabbergasts me.
I enjoy their calaacal such cry babies. 1 made a thread saying allah doesn’t control the rain and I called him a gaal rightfully so and got banned from commenting :pachah1:

That's why I say somalis are not of the same ethnicity . we can write pages on pages of the astrocities siyaad barre ,abdulahi yusuf and his ethiopian friends affiliated on us but we dont . The funnies shit is everytime I read these pathetic threads they and the qaldaan @Gadhwayne talk about the 4 month intra hawiye war like they care about it lol
We moved on we created reconciliation among our ppl maybe these other somalis need to do that .


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