US President has signed an order authorising hundreds of US special forces to be sent back to Somalia according to the New York Times

You really have no idea sxb🤦🏾‍♂️ we are being looted massively, before it was just our fish, but since with Al-kebab and is it's inland aswell. The terrorists have placed themselves in resource rich areas.
Look at his post history, this person is likely a spook they argue only for CIA interests.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
These people are mentally enslaved, they have been cucked beyond repair. Thirty years of welfare checks, and an abusive working wife does a great damage to a geeljires mind😭 these people are literally begging foreigners for something they can do themselves.

They literally think that Americans are coming to Somalia for our wellbeing, while their black citizens are drinking lead in Detroit and mass homelessness in California🤦🏾‍♂️
Mentally cucked indeed! They are a shame and promote “Beesha Caalamka” disease
We sold our sea rights to China for decades for 1 million we have nothing after Farmaajo sold everything. Even sold 4 ports to Ethiopia, Muqdisho port to Turkey

1. Fishing rights gets renewed every year stop lying.
2. Which port have been sold to Ethiopia🤔 do you mean Bosaso port to UAE?
3. Muqdishu port is managed by Turkish company and is on a lease with a fixed reasonable date. They employ only somalis and they have kept it modern and we'll managed.


I'm seeing the reer N&N run rampant on this thread. Your own uncle or Aabo as you liked to call him literally pawned Somalia off on a gold plate to a country that isn't even on the same status of the USA.

The USA can do good in our country and as long as they get rid of Al-Shabaab and their cronies in parliament and keep us stable and peaceful, I do not give a toss about what they take.

Peace and Stability under a bigger country who will utilize us strategically for their own aims >> Chaos under Somalis with the idea of selling our country to the highest bidder.
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I'm seeing the reer N&N run rampant on this thread. Your own uncle or Aabo as you liked to call him literally pawned Somalia off on a gold plate to a country that isn't even on the same status of the USA.

The USA can do good in our country and as long as they get rid of Al-Shabaab and their cronies in parliament and keep us stable and peaceful, I do not give a toss about what they take.

Peace and Stability under a bigger country who will utilize us strategically for their own aims >> Chaos under Somalis with the idea of selling our country to the highest bidder.
Sold what and to whom? What are you even talking about sxb, the man wasn't even know for stealing. Are we talking about the same man that confiscated the money that UAE tried to smuggle on plan and kept it looked for year🤔