NEWS US congresswoman Ilhan Omar: It’s time for Farmaajo to step aside

Marshall D Abdi

Know you’re place peasant
even niqabis are for blood

Look at the cbb idiots insulting the beautiful congresswoman Ilhan Omar. As if she’s paying attention to unemployed cbb trolls on food stamps, while she’s part of leading the most powerful nation in the world.


Finally. The nightmare might end. She and the US took their time ffs.

I even saw her criticising US foreign policy in Somalia in fighting terrorists. Hopefully she understands America is an important ally for Somalia to stop wannabe dictators
Somali-American lawmaker Ilhan Omar asks Farmaajo to resign as U.S warns of action


WASHINGTON (HOL) - Somali-American congresswoman Ilhan Omar has demanded that President Mohamed Farmaajo steps down amid an ongoing escalation of tension in Mogadishu.

Omar said Farmaajo ought to leave office to allow for the completion of the long-delayed elections adding her voice to increasing demands from Washington.
“Farmaajo is a year past his mandate. It's time for him to step aside, and for long-overdue elections to proceed as soon as possible,” Omar said in a tweet.
Her demand followed what emerged as a strong rebuke against Farmaajo by US government and other senior officials. The Bureau of African Affairs warned of action for those using security forces for political ends in a veiled reference to Farmaajo.

“The U.S. is prepared to act against those who obstruct Somalia’s path to peace. The attempted suspension of Mohamed Roble is alarming and we support his efforts for rapid and credible elections. All parties must desist from escalatory actions and statements.”
Senate Foreign Relations Ranking Member Jim Risch also filed similar sentiment.“Selfish leaders are fueling Somalia's political and security crisis, including using security forces for political ends. Somalia's leaders must prevent further violent conflict and protect its fragile democracy by finishing a flawed but necessary electoral process without further delay, Senator Risch said.
Meanwhile, in Mogadishu, foreign missions led by the UN called for a dial-down of tensions and urged the convening of the National Consultative Council comprised of Prime Minister Mohamed Roble and Federal Member State leaders.
“We call on Somalia’s leaders to put the country’s interests first, to de-escalate rising political tensions, and to refrain from provocation or use of force that could undermine peace and stability,” the missions said in a joint statement.
Local leaders have also called for de-escalation of tensions.
