Uproar, Amisom claims this soldier is female, Somalis dont buy it.

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"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"

AMISOM ayaa ka jawaabtay Sawir Buuq badan ka abuuray Baraha bulshada kaasi oo muujinayay Qof ka tirsan AMISOM oo cabiraya Gabar loo diyaarinayay ka mid noqoshada Police-ka Hirshabeelle.

Sawirka ayaa ahaa gabar Soomaaliyeed oo kamid noqoneysay booliska ciidamada Hirshabeelle oo cabir xaga jirkeeda ah lagu sameynayay, waxaana Soomaalida aad ugu falanqeeyeen barta Facebook.

Taliska AMISOM ayaa sheegay in Gabadha Somaaliyeed waxa cabiraya inay tahay Gabar kale oo u dhalatay dalka Zimbabwe, balse dadka Soomaaliyeed ay u maleeyeen in qof rag ah uu yahay.

Qoraal ka soo dhigay barta Twetterka ee AMISOM ayaa lagu yiri “ Fadlan ogaada sarkaalka Booliiska ee AMISOM ee cabirka ka qaaday gabdha la qorayo (la ciidamaynayo) ee sawirka ka muuqda waa sarkaal dumar ah oo ka tirsan kooxda Booliiska Zimbabwe ka socda, AMISOM waxay tixgalisaa, illaalisaana dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed, waligeedna uma xilsaarto sarkaal lab (Rag) ah inuu taabto haween Somaali ah”.

Ciidanka Midowga Africa ee AMISOM ayaa tababaro siiya ciidanka Booliska iyo Maamul goboleedyada dalka qaarkood.

Arintaan ayaana qabsatay baraha Bulshada Saacadihii ugu dambeeyay, taasi oo keentay in ugu dambeyn AMISOM ay ka hadasho.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Yep it is a female. But thats not the point. Bring a feminine female not a butch one. Different body, same man brain

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
:ooh::ooh: Waar get that man off of our Xaliimo! Good grief! What’s this, a sexual warfare ?
Should we send you guys PL peacekeepers? Atleast our boys will make you landheer babies

@Farm @Crow and others with jungle-feber are you ready for deployment in the bushes of the deep south :ulyin:


Seeker of knowledge and truth
s are soooo concerned about this “headline” story in the 21st century let that sink in for a moment :ohlord:
Amisom should leave these ungrateful Somalis and let Alshabaab march all the way from Ras Kambiyone to Ras Caseyr unless Ethiopia intervenes on behalf of their illegitimate children of Puntland and Somaliland.


Amisom should leave these ungrateful Somalis and let Alshabaab march all the way from Ras Kambiyone to Ras Caseyr unless Ethiopia intervenes on behalf of their illegitimate children of Puntland and Somaliland.

If that was possible the ICU terrorists would have captured PL when they took the whole south, but that obviously never happened
If that was possible the ICU terrorists would have captured PL when they took the whole south, but that obviously never happened


ICU would’ve captured all over Somalia and Somaliland but 3 major things made it impossible for them.

First, both Somaliland and Puntland are client states of Addis Ababa and the Ethiopian leaders will take it very seriously if that relationship is disrupted by the Islamists. It was a no go zone for the IUC and they knew it very well.

Secondly: Alshabaab became a thorn in the IUC throat and while the latter managed to fight with a ragtag militia and couldn’t have succeeded without being boosted by the local civilians. Meanwhile, people like Afghani, Ayrow and Godane were building fighters based and moduled on the ‘Mujahideen’ in Afghanistan who fought the Soviets. Sooner or later, they were destined to take over the movement.

Thirdly, Hassan Dahir Aweys effect. He was seen as a clan elder who had prejudices and hatreds towards some clans whom he engaged wars with like in Puntland and Gedo and never started a “jihad” war in his native land or clan regions. He was already seen as the reincarnation of Aideed by these clans and if he came back with Salahudiin Al-Ayuubi, he couldn’t have won. Unlike Mogadishu, the local people were against him.

But, Alshabaab are different and without Ethiopia and Amisom (U.S), they will march easily to both places. Too many pissed off smaller clans in both Somaliland and Puntland who will initially join them but regret later. They are very experienced how to take advantage of and manipulate those smaller clans who feel alienated and disaffected.


Seeker of knowledge and truth

ICU would’ve captured all over Somalia and Somaliland but 3 major things made it impossible for them.

First, both Somaliland and Puntland are client states of Adis Ababa and the Ethiopian leaders take very serious if that relationship is disrupted by Islamists.

Secondly: Alshabaab became a thorn in the IUC throat and while the latter managed a ragtag militias and their successes were boosted by the help of the local civilians. Meanwhile, people like Afghani, Ayrow and Godane were building fighters based and moduled on the ‘Mujahideen’ in Afghanistan who fought the Soviets. Sooner or later, they were deemed to take over the movement.

Thirdly, Hassan Dahir Aweys effect. He was seen as a clan elder who had prejudices and hatreds towards some clans whom he engaged wars with like in Puntland and Gedo and never started a “jihad” war in his native land or clan regions. He was already seen as the reincarnation of Aideed by these clans and if he came back with Salahudiin Al-Ayuubi, he couldn’t have won. Unlike Mogadishu, the local people were against him.

But, Alshabaab is different and without Ethiopia and Amisom (U.S), they will march easily. Too many pissed off smaller clans in both Somaliland and Puntland who will initially join them but regret later.
Great and accurate analysis:nvjpqts::nvjpqts:
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