United Nations Security Council to convene an urgent meeting about 🇪🇹 and 🇸🇴 under the “Peace and Security in Africa” Agenda

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
So what was the point of recognising Taiwan 😂
What does that have to do with the deal? The deal is between to countries, we will do as wish and there’s nothing nobody can do about it

Your Aabo is at Mercy of the west he wants them to save his inflated currency :mjpls: :stevej:
Yet that guy has entire brigades in your country. Your president while he was on his childish tantrums begging dictators like Isias & Sisi for help didn’t have the balls to tell ENDF to leave his country. Everybody sees you for what you are, a UN/AU protectorate 💀
What does that have to do with the deal? The deal is between to countries, we will do as wish and there’s nothing nobody can do about it

Yet that guy has entire brigades in your country. Your president while he was on his childish tantrums begging dictators like Isias & Sisi for help didn’t have the balls to tell ENDF to leave his country. Everybody sees you for what you are, a UN/AU protectorate 💀
Better than being an unrecognised sambuus triangle of the UN/AU protectorate.


Garaad Awal

Zubeyri, Hanafi Maturidi
Better than being an unrecognised sambuus triangle of the UN/AU protectorate.

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Ah yes Isaaqs dont form the majority in Gabiley region or Sanaag. Did Wajaale,Gabiley city & Ceerigaabo become non-Isaaq cities all of a sudden? I dare you to visit these cities and express some anti-SL sentiments, you’ll be in a for a rude awakening by the locals… Come up with better insults than that bud :umad:

