I personally do not believe they are any better then anyone in the world. But this isn't about me or my personal beliefs. It's to understand the mind-set of the Israeli. The Israelis believe they are superior because God Intervened and Named they're country, where-as they believe everywhere else in the world God never intervened or Named they're countries. They use examples like England saying it's named after Language or France or any European country. It's not a promise of god like the Israelis got. The Israelis believe that god gave them to inherit all the land between the nile to the euphrates. So the Israel you see today is clearly not the Israel of Torah prophecy, but a Zionist Agenda.
But they are slowly stealing land from Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt(SINAI). Well they handed back the Sinai to Egypt with Anwar Sadat Peace accord, but they were not happy about it the Israelis and there was UPROARS. Taking these land is not a crime to them since it's the promise of god to the Israeli people. Please note Israel is 'lineage' waa 'abtirsi' it goes back to Prophet Yacqoub or Jacob. Anyone who abtirsi to Jacob is considered the chosen people. So yes Israelis waa 'abtirsada' and they don't really care what you say as they feel what they inherited from they're ancestors is far more important to them then what your GENTILE or GOY ass has to say. Your gentile to them because GOD never intervened for you, he looks at your land and see they are not named after ANY MAN, he knows your a DAAQSIN or wild-life to them. The non jew has a lesser soul according to them, your basically an ANIMAL.
He holds the view since he is the chosen of god, he has a right to control you like wild life. Only Osman Mahmoud understand this and know the 'qabyalad' in this nation is at STRONG LEVEL and far worse then anything in Somalia between Darod, Dir or Isaaq since our issues are not related to PROMISE OF GOD or God came down and selected some Land for us. These people believe they are superior to you and deep down want to conquer you. There u go to understand Jewish mind-set.
But they are slowly stealing land from Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt(SINAI). Well they handed back the Sinai to Egypt with Anwar Sadat Peace accord, but they were not happy about it the Israelis and there was UPROARS. Taking these land is not a crime to them since it's the promise of god to the Israeli people. Please note Israel is 'lineage' waa 'abtirsi' it goes back to Prophet Yacqoub or Jacob. Anyone who abtirsi to Jacob is considered the chosen people. So yes Israelis waa 'abtirsada' and they don't really care what you say as they feel what they inherited from they're ancestors is far more important to them then what your GENTILE or GOY ass has to say. Your gentile to them because GOD never intervened for you, he looks at your land and see they are not named after ANY MAN, he knows your a DAAQSIN or wild-life to them. The non jew has a lesser soul according to them, your basically an ANIMAL.
He holds the view since he is the chosen of god, he has a right to control you like wild life. Only Osman Mahmoud understand this and know the 'qabyalad' in this nation is at STRONG LEVEL and far worse then anything in Somalia between Darod, Dir or Isaaq since our issues are not related to PROMISE OF GOD or God came down and selected some Land for us. These people believe they are superior to you and deep down want to conquer you. There u go to understand Jewish mind-set.