UN says no violence ahead of election in jubaland

Since when will we listen to UN, we will declare our own president in our parallel parliament on the same day. Two elections are gonna happen tomorrow youll see.
Both presidents will be Ogaden. What happened to the MX giant??? :pachah1:

Next time think twice before going to war against Beesha Culus :westbrookwtf:
we've been down that road sxb.
It didnt work for this guy did it?


just bend the knee, and recognize MZ as the undisputed kangz and masters of your destiny.



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Both presidents will be Ogaden. What happened to the MX giant??? :pachah1:

Next time think twice before going to war against Beesha Culus :westbrookwtf:
Walaasha ma u gelisay guska Uhuru? Mise waad daawataa uun?