Uk somali girls please have self respect

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I can’t even imagine an exclusively Somali or even majority Somali house party:mjlol:
Daaamn we are not that reer baadiye:ftw9nwa:. We can throw a house party. Is there a number of people that have to attend before you call it house party? I done few in my place with 12-15 people


Daaamn we are not that reer baadiye:ftw9nwa:. We can throw a house party. Is there a number of people that have to attend before you call it house party? I done few in my place with 12-15 people
What does that look like? Describe the atmosphere
I thought it was Canadians that had the beef with Jamaicans
We don't anymore lol that was awhile ago.

I haven't had that many bad experiences with Jamaicans. Most of my friends growing up were Jamaican but they tend to have 0 manners along with other Caribbeans.
Apparently theres rumour going on in twitter that no maadow guy wanted a whine from them in carni notting hill 2018 and that they were disgusted by that thought smh here is proof of a adoon saying something similair yet we will have XAARlimos entertain these vile subhumans I KNOW these tweets are old i get that but just remember this is how they think and see of you. They basically will beat you up smh

Dont get me wrong i care for my somalis worldwide but we have to sort this mess out because this is just beyond embarassing

Why u posting shit from 2012?

You’re not selling it for me. Doesn’t sound like a good time, it sounds like regret and extremes. I’ll take cadans in the woods with nattys for 300, thank you
Ok whites in the woods with nattys....I see you like to live on the dangerous side with your life. Atleast with me your phone is working the whole time and have access to 999


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Madow acting as if any Somali girl would want him in the first place. Self respecting Somali girls don't really go for no necked, midget slaves with Madow noses.

Xalimo, why this sudden change? What happened?
Somalis have been going carnival from back in the day. I remember my older cousin going to carnival with a 150 Somali roadmansecurity inc.The only thing that has changed is the number of Xalimos going.
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