UK geeljires this is war! Lunatic vegans must be stopped! UK vegans trying to prevent customers from purchasing dairy all over the country!

They are planning to stop all the dairy supply in the UK in September. Fight back against these lunatic vegans because you're dairy supply is on the line.

The UK has too many vegan and climate change lunatics.
@Nak-Muay-Kru @Indeed come see this!
They're only going to try this shit in upper-middle class areas or in large cities like London. These mentally ill losers lose a lot of support the further away you get from those central hubs.

I'd personally just step over them and grab my milk. Clinch them up and knee them a few times (use sweeps if it's a woman) if they put their hands on me. Nothing makes you come back to your senses quicker than a few well placed knees to the solar plexus/liver lol


So when it comes to homosexuality and gender people must have a choice but when people want to drink milk, they must conform to a non dairy lifestyle.

OP, you've got to ask yourself: how likely is this to succeed?

The chances are v close to 0, so there's no point getting worked up over it sxb

