Ugandan Daughters BLAST Their Aabo For Cheating On Their Mom! Is This Ceeb And Should This Have Been Lowkey Or Is This Justified?


You should honour your parents and show them respect, never chastise them like this, even if there is an error in their ways, remember they are human like you and are capable of making mistakes. This should have been between the mother and the dad, not the kids and the dad.

also why would you post this on social media, you automatically take the L for this one, whatever shame your parents bring is your shame and vice versa.
good air it. im sick of mothers keeping a dog for the sake of the kids. now they know better all round he can move on
Macsokor. Expose all the lying cheating aabos. Somali girls need to start doing this. Sipping his tea like shit is sweet nacaala abuuk…
Damn, what these kids have done is unforgivable.
1) Strike 1 - shouldn't have violated his privacy, etc, look through his phone.
2) strike 2 - humiliate him by talking disrespectfully and reading out the text in front of his family
3) strike 3 - record it for pubic to see and ridicule.
This could've been handled a far better way.
This generation of kids are absolutely rotten to the core.
L bro family dynamic will never be the same with their dad. And bro took it for 5 MINUTES LOOOL i wouldve took the phone and beat on them personally
Guys genuine question, if it was the mum cheating, would it be acceptable to air?

TBH, I reckon most guys would keep that to themselves as well, so I don’t necessarily think it’s a gender thing.

My comment: their parents marriage is their parents marriage. Getting involved is rude and the mother is the one who should be confronting their father NOT them. Usually, girls become very hurt when their father behaves like a dog as they put their dad on a pedestal, but behaving like they’re his wives when they’re in fact his daughters is wrong.

I’m going to take a guess. The dynamic is incredibly toxic here and you can tell that his daughters do not have an iota of respect for him. I’m going to go on a limb and guess that the father has probably been cheating on the mother non stop for years and has hurt her. I also get the impression that the girls were raised seeing their mothers constantly crying and shamed. I think that does something to someone’s psychology, because if this was a one off I highly doubt they’d be behaving this way as it is evident that they’re out to humiliate him to the core.

This is clearly a family that have lost any semblance of respect for the father and any relationship they have is held by a thread.
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What's wrong with Gen Z? Why do they post everything on the internet not only is everyone laughing at your family This is probably going to be turned into a meme as well.:hemad:
They think they're hurting their father, but in reality, they're hurting their mother. I don't know how he's taking that disrespect like that walhi I would beat everyone in the room.:banderas:
What's wrong with Gen Z? Why do they post everything on the internet not only is everyone laughing at your family This is probably going to be turned into a meme as well.:hemad:
They think they're hurting their father, but in reality, they're hurting their mother. I don't know how he's taking that disrespect like that walhi I would beat everyone in the room.:banderas:
Doubt it. That was my first thought. This is clearly a messed up family with a tired mother who is clearly accepting her daughters behavior. The mother could have easily shut it down and reminded the kids that they’re relationship is indeed between her and her husband and the only support she needs is an emotional one.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
The father is a shitty person but for his children to check his phone shows his children did not respect him at all which stems from being evidently a shitty father.

The father should have just divorced when he started cheating, he has himself to blame for this.
I knew my dad was shukaansing other women in Africa ever since I was 16. But he’s still a loyal husband, no 2nd wives yet. I remember one time he asked me if one of the girls he was talking to was cute, I told him leave her alone she’s not bad and boujee :drakelaugh:


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