Ugaas Yusuf the man who wields ultimate power in Hiiraan closes all the external doors!

No to Non Hawadles(Hirshabelle)
With people's rabitaanka
SFG behind him so he actuals impowers Hiiraan State but he wants to be Ugaas for all

There is no Ugaas facilitated Talks between Dabageed and Jeyte he is only there for two reasons to calm the situation and for his coming inauguration all beesha and siyaasayiinta somalida will arrive Baladweyne and Hiiraan State will be in charge of their security.

So like i said before Jeyte will be there as long as Guudlawe is in Jowhar only Hawadle president with a new parliament powersharing can challenge him.

Caafi subclan of Gaaljecel have joined Hiiraan State and they control xaafada gugindhabaha. Jijeele are cool with their vice president and Baadicade cant believe they got the upper Shabelle governor 🤣🤣
They are not against their son though hirshabelle doesn't control buuloburde and some of their militias have welcomed him.

Shiikhal loobage who refused ro be part of sharansuursoor have welcomed it

So we told Caafi Gaaljecel we could give you Hiiraan governor if you kickout the Abtisame hirshabelle from there. Now they contro kastamka bakool-Hiiraan we have sent them gurmad.

Let the status quo exist until his term finishes, I’m sure Guudlaawe & Abgaal have enough on their plates especially with the Cadale situation they shouldn’t be focused on Hiiraan.

Hiiraan should run its affairs independently until there is a new HiiraanShabelle that the SFG puts time just like how the current Galmudug is built, how many months did Kheyre spend there? We need something similar for Hassan Sheikh to come Beledweyne and invite all the real stakeholders and correct his previous mistake of holding the conference in Jowhar and fix everything that is wrong from the parliament to the whole state.
Let the status quo exist until his term finishes, I’m sure Guudlaawe & Abgaal have enough on their plates especially with the Cadale situation they shouldn’t be focused on Hiiraan.

Hiiraan should run its affairs independently until there is a new HiiraanShabelle that the SFG puts time just like how the current Galmudug is built, how many months did Kheyre spend there? We need something similar for Hassan Sheikh to come Beledweyne and invite all the real stakeholders and correct his previous mistake of holding the conference in Jowhar and fix everything that is wrong from the parliament to the whole state.
Can you find the baadicade militias video supporting their governor?
Hirshabelle waa la soo afjarey dhaqan ahaan

Ugaas Yuusuf has announced Hawadle conference to decide their fate. He does not say that he is with this and that but he lets the clan to decide this thing and the clan is with Jeyte and call him Astaanta Xawaadle . Ugaaska called Jeyte and this hirshabelle mooryaan for maaliyada and told them he doesn't want see no more isbaarooyin in Hiiraan. Jeyte has no single Isbaaro he just controls the old official checkpoints from Kalabayr to the airport and now Xaafada howlwadaag ee gugundhabe so these Hirshabelle mooryaans put their isbaaro in baadiyaha . They got removed by force. The mooryaan asked Ugaaska Jeyte to pay them some money so if they are staying in their house he will pay them for their khat 🤣🤣

Ugaas Yuusuf waa kala tuuray khilaafkii beesha ka dhex jiray mashalla. You see Hawadle are led by dhaqanka not the politicians that is why we are united and well organized. Another factor is that dhaqanka belongs to a neutral Samatalis branch one of the 4 Samatalis branches.


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Kuwii meelahaan la ordaayay videoga jufada Xuud waxay moodeen in sidoodoo kale Xawaadle marjic dhaqan laheeen 🤣🤣

Ugaas Yusuf oo kala diray mujaahidiintii Xuud ee sheegtey inay Hiiraan State leeyihiin
Gudoomiyaha Dhalinyarada hiiraan abdi mumin xiish

Ugaas yusuf oo mar kale la kulmay ATMIS



Dameerkaan aalahaa Jeyte ay soo qababayaa oo Jowhar ay keeni doonaan maba ogaba inay reee Xuud yihiin 🤣🤣

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Cawaanka aan dhaqanka la heen xaarkiina dameerada kala dhexbaxa Xawaadle dadkaan waa dad very sophisticated ah cawaankiina is cunaya oon is dhex marin ama dhaqan isku haya laheen la mid maaha

Waxba hanoo camirina cawaanyahay aan waxba ogeen

Waa kan gudoomiye Jaaburi oo gaarey giibaha difaaca, gudomiyaha dhalinyarada hiiraan State, nabadoonkeyga Gardheere iyo Nabadoon Xirsi

Madaxweyne Jeyte oo la kulmay Curadka Samatalis ee Yuusuf Samatalis kulanka wuxuu ku saabsanaa Shirka ugaaska ku baqay oo Yuusuf Samatalis ku xujeeyeen inay ayaga furaan maadama curadka yihiin. Yuusuf iyo Ugaaska waa mataano marka hogaanka Siyaasadeed uu Yuusuf lahaan jiray ugaaskana tan dhaqan.

Xildhibaan qoono oo Taageeray Hiiraan State asagoo soo abaabulay odayaasha beesha ee Banaadir wuxuu taageeray Shirka ugaaska hirshabeele looga tashanayo oo beesha ka hor imaan doonto. Qabanqaabada shirka ayaa socda.








