UAE investment in Puntland is $336 million starting today 10-12-2017

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Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Here's some ongoing projects

Kuwait funding Garowe airport runway (snapshot is from last week)

Sentinel-2 from 2017-10-04.jpg

Maakhir university in Badhan district.


Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
Interstate Cooperative Council led by Xaaji P.HD Harvard graduate Abdiweli Gaas has informed us that federal states only get 5% of development aid to Somalia.

Dhinaca kale, Warmurtiyeedkii shalay ka soo baxay Kullankii madaxda maamul goboleedyada ee Magaaladda kismaayo ayaa laga hadlay Kaalmada Caalaku siiyo dowladda Federaalka oo la sheegay 5% wax ka yar ayay dowlgoboleedyadu helaan, waxaana tusaale loo soo qaatay 10,000 ee guri oo dowladda Turkigu ku deeqday aysan dowlad goboleedyadu ka helin hal guri iyadoo baahida ugu badan ay taallo gobollada, waa sida ay ku sheegeen War-murtiyeedka.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
As the chairman of the Council of Federated States, Gaas is indeed the indrect president of the nation. I've seen a lot of Somali tabloids refer to him as 'Madaxweynaha dadban' since was chosen as the chairman of the CFS

Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
As the chairman of the Council of Federated States, Gaas is indeed the indrect president of the nation. I've seen a lot of Somali tabloids refer to him as 'Madaxweynaha dadban' since was chosen as the chairman of the CFS
I am very shocked that there are people who are against the peaceful cooperation of Somali regions. In the US we have a National Governors Association they meet annually to discuss issues that affect their states.

The National Governors Association (NGA) is an organization consisting of the governors of the states, territories and commonwealths of the United States. The NGA's role is to act as a collective voice for governors on matters of national policy, as well as allowing governors to share best practices and coordinate inter-state initiatives. The organization was founded in 1908 as the National Governors' Conference.[1]
The chair is rotated between governors each year. What Dr Xaaji and co are doing is learning from the best.
I cant wait till Garowe airport opens :lawd:

I am very shocked that there are people who are against the peaceful cooperation of Somali regions. In the US we have a National Governors Association they meet annually to discuss issues that affect their states.

The chair is rotated between governors each year. What Dr Xaaji and co are doing is learning from the best.

Believe me, they will be fine with it once it rotates from PL
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