Trump VS MS13

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26:30 watch it at that mark. Trump calling them politicians and they respond the liberal way we serve the public looooooooool. It's them sxb that set up how your kids are gonna be according to their ways and everyone u fight or argue with is cause the laws these people set down in society. They have all the tools sxb that noone else does in the world.

All the best people. Why u think they cost so much their advice in the world? it's cause they work at the highest levels in society and walked away from it with results, everything else is secondary now. Imagine trump had some of American diplomats at the table in business negiotation and all the tactics of centuries they passed on to each other? no business would stand a chance with it's market capability.

Trump even complaining obama used the govt power on him in the campaign. Who has the govt has the land sxb, has the future, has everything. The only place the govt feared the most that can challenge it is religion and notice how they SEPARATED it completely. Everything else kama baqan.


All their root problem goes back to the mexicans in America. Notice the second they stepped in, drugs came also. Once drug comes sxb, gangs start to form, addicts start piling up, crime rises and noone is safe cause an addict is dangerous he won't forgive noone. Notice how before mexican migration happened, everybody was a good old church boy in most america. The worst america was doing was bootlegging with al pacino and his grog and underground gambling. There was no gangs prior to the mexican arrivals. Wa lagu daystay dee.

Then all that festers sxb and passed onto the kids who start think it's the way to live and becomes a lifestyle, welcome to the modern america. All for what really? at beginning it may have been for good purpose to bring migrants but politicians saw an opportunity and once they do, they use it as an edge. GOP won't ever win a popular election again, there is too many mexicans who will side with democrats. I wonder what their next strategy is for the electoral body.


It was when the world was opened up, globally, that comes with GLOBAL problems too, not just the good side, it also has a bad side. But when America and most countries were closed doors, the society there wasn't the same like it is now. Notice it all started once the flood gates were opened in america. First it was europeans from world war 1 and 2, they brought about their little tricks and stuff and why u had the al capones and them but borders were so closed it couldn't reach the levels of crime like it is now. It's after 60s these ppl lives took a u turn, anything can happen will happen is basically how they lived from then on.

You honestly can't beat the mexicans with their leverage in america drug game. Why? mexico is next door, contacts are there, plus contacts in america thru any echelon of govt. Where-as everyone else doesnt have this no ethnic group can compete at that scale. Location lucky mexicans with criminal tactics combined is what made them take the game in america.

Remember I told u god n family are the two realest systems on earth to people and they have both sxb qualities, family comes first and they will help their cousins, brothers, etc.
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Guys look at all the special interest groups who know they can't convince you(because politics is difficult) so they use donations, help with media contacts(yeah i know john in fox news and cnn) i'll have to chat for u to help you. They may even go after the investors of the media and have a chat to them about a 'special deal' if assisted in campaign and u know humans sxb were pretty corrupt. Look how all internal and external lobbies are sitting in america, everyone want to poison the next president by adding their agenda in there and president recieved funds from that lobby group be it advertisements, electoral contacts, its truly not PUBLIC SERVICE THINGS. It probably even worse you cant even trust your own party sxb, as they want your post also and may assist those harming you in return for something inside their own party. U saw trump when he said I DEMAND LOYALTY. Even that is hard cause he may give it to u, but what if someone guarantees him a post if he does something thru party pressure on trump, give us details on this and that on trump.

It gets even messier in the third world, where they kill you even and open a spot for themselves. Your work and results dont get publically exposed and attention given like govt, you basically get FREE ADVERTISEMENT for the rest of your life as people know what u did, it isn't suspect like resumes and cv. His stock has gone up for the rest of his life. People tend to love power and ruling, you see the same trait even when a manager role comes up and everyone loves to end their signature with manager this and manager that.

It doesn't getting any bigger then white house in the land or the world today. At least with business men it does come down to the bottom dollar, they will relegate all the politics, they dont mix friends with business, their is some balance there.

That simply aint there in politics, anything can happen meeshani. Their can be the snowdens, the leakers, the ones who ally with someone else, ppl passing on dirt and proof, fake news, recordings someone with his iphone in his pocket.
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I think people go into politics and govt type work not for public service, they want to shape it towards their views of how society should be according to them and step in the politics inside to happen. It's the last law of the land basically, they wanna live in a world where they like how it is cause they shaped it.

It's like the place where ppl seek revenge on society on how bad it is and how they see it should be. So if you have a problem with a business man, just go into politics, cut him out of the contracts, have contacts there. If you don't like what schools are doing, go into politics. Same for every field in society. Notice they start in that industry and fed up with it so they go to public office to change it.

They all get in the president ear. Do this trump, i hate how this community is and these ppl are the problem. Do this trump, this business is fuckin winning and im losing, make it hurt. Do this trump my regional neighbor is a prick and wont listen to me, the agendas start piling up. But's all public service. Liberals the most dangerous at least those ones are superficial stuff, TRUMP WE WANT ACCESS TO THE KIDS, FROM ELEMENTARY TO HIGH SCHOOL TO UNIVERSITY. That kid is an open ear and will listen where-as an adult wont, so they expend all their effort to the right areas the liberals.

20 years later the kid will come out and say GEE DAD IS SO OLD FASHIONED. notice that sxb? dad and my parents are just so out of touch, it's cause you been poisoned by a liberal and now the liberal will say THE PPL SUPPORT US no they dont U SHAPED THEM TO SUPPORT U.

Add the immigration growing and immigrants who then reside in strong liberal areas, they dont go to alabama sxb, you can see where there is heading. America should've of been one party state a long time ago, im suprised it took so long.
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The only closest way u can describe someone who is left wing is they are brotherhood tactics internal, GUIDED, high return attacks. When they throw their dart, they make sure it comes back with millions of americans not just some personal group. All conservative n liberal boils down too is. I want my money to return something or dont take it from me and morality for liberals. The rest are taking sides the other divisions in society. but it's boiled down to those two pillars.

That's probably why they swing to center realising both are needed and the further u get from it is when u had towards far sides. Then it's a battle for the SHARED concerns in society above POLITICS, immigrants, security, corruption, health, food, work. That is shared areas and probably many more, but it comes down towards value vs morality scanning society.

Then it's the personal shit thats what trump making furious and makes most leaders furious, it's there where it gets dirty and filthy and rotten they forget the whole reason about the principles. Yes sxb it can get deadly, look at JFK killing, probably many attempts on Trump being fed to him. Thats when they become animals lol.
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Look how they rushed trump off the stage cause some guy had a gun. The shit gets deadly, abraham lincolns, jfk, bahashu cayaar ma aha. U can die for this shit. It's even worse in the 3rd world, it's quite blatant meeshasi. Trump didn't take any risks, he knows markay xoolo isku badelan.



Think about it dearly, who-ever has rushed trump or any business man off the stage like that, steve jobs? no sxb, noone really cares about products. The sad thing about it is sxb u dont know if it was some foreign nation working a local contact, getting close, finding things about him, shaping him to rage up inside, it's like an art form. U gotta see where it heads, then giving him the capability to do the job on the president of that nation, cause he won't know the way to do it so it's successful. He will do wild shit and then they leave the country before it happens. It could be even local politicians doing the same at any level of govt to get a post, the attacks can happen inside to change the party and finding key decision makers or causing a revolt inside. It could also just be some real pissed of guy who just says IVE HAD ENUFF, im gonna do something about it.

It could even inside the democrats or republicans setting up for a trump kill, imagine the access to knowledge they have inside the CIA, friends in different positions, known ways of doing it. Trump just doesnt want to find out and got the hell out of there, politics and campaign is now secondary. The guy is smart trump, security is the most important, the rest can wait.

It's not even the president ppl would go after, he aint nothing without the govt and it's capability. He is what he is cause of what is below him, you could target so many different areas that can bring the whole stage down on him.
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Noone killed siyad barre, they just cut his arm supplies, the rest took care of itself. But some countries aren't as simple as that especially 2nd or 1st world, but there is different capabilities and it can happen anywhere even for them.
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