Trump raged against refugees from Somalia in private meeting

land owner

Welcome to the yaab zone

Washington (CNN)I n the first few months of his administration, President Donald Trump asked then-acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke why he could not ban refugees from "f*****g Somalia" in a bout of rage at his Bedminster golf club.

The episode, detailed in the new book titled "Border Wars," reveals the President's belief that people from Somalia posed a danger to the US. Months earlier, Trump targeted foreign nationals coming to the US from eight countries, including Somalia, in his "travel ban" executive order.

"Both he and [Stephen] Miller seemed to have a particular dislike for Somalia, often citing it or its nationals when they spoke of the potential dangers of refugees and other immigrants," the book states.
CNN purchased a copy of "Border Wars," by The New York Times' Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael D. Shear, ahead of its official release.

In October 2017, weeks after Trump complained to Elaine Duke, the then-acting Homeland Security secretary received a call from White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller who insisted that Duke "shut off refugee flows from 11 countries the administration had identified as high-risk," particularly Somalia, according to the book. Duke refused.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment.

Over the course of Trump's presidency, the administration has chipped away at the refugee ceiling -- the number of refugees who may be admitted to the United States. The administration set -- and met -- a cap of 30,000 for fiscal year 2019, a historic low. Last month, the State Department told Congress it intends to lower the cap further to 18,000.

"Border Wars" dives into the back and forth between career officials and Miller, who's been an active proponent of lowering the number of refugees admitted to the US. Davis and Shear describe Miller's campaign within the administration to undercut the program, including inserting unfounded claims about the dangers and costs of refugees into documents.

Last week, an excerpt from the book revealed that Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs and fortifying the US-Mexico border wall with a water-filled trench with snakes and alligators, during an Oval Office meeting.

During the partial government shutdown earlier this year, senior officials gave Jared Kushner, senior adviser and Trump's son-in-law, a tutorial on immigration policy and politics. "Man," Kushner is quoted as saying in the book. "This thing has more landmines than Afghanistan."

Democrats and Republicans were at an impasse over immigration, especially the President's border wall. Kushner pulled together a negotiating team, asking questions about funding for the wall and closing legal loopholes.

Then-Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan -- now the acting Homeland Security secretary -- made clear that the wall along the southern border would do far less to cut illegal immigration than would closing loopholes.

"Kushner nodded, his jaw tight and his eyes wide," according to the book. "'OK,' he said, quietly. 'So we've wasted the last two years.'"

General Asad

And What Is Not There Is Always More Than There.
So luugo basto farahs and naimo no nos pose a threat to a paper tiger US?

How are they different (other than religon,race) than other immigrants? Somethings missing here.


Lets be honest. If we were as obedient as the sleepwalkers and hindus, they would love and adore us, but since we keep our own culture and don't worship them they view us as a threat and want us gone.

If the goyin hating jews can stay, then so can we.

land owner

Welcome to the yaab zone
Lets be honest. If we were as obedient as the sleepwalkers and hindus, they would love and adore us, but since we keep our own culture and don't worship them they view us as a threat and want us gone.

If the goyin hating jews can stay, then so can we.
I notice they’re the most hateful and racist towards resilient and non docile groups that don’t ass kiss them but are kind to docile white worshipping groups like East Asians lol I see through their hatred it’s nothing but fear
I notice they’re the most hateful and racist towards resilient and non docile groups that don’t ass kiss them but are kind to docile white worshipping groups like East Asians lol I see through their hatred it’s nothing but fear

nah they straight up hate every race. They call Indians/Arabs/Pakistani/etc or anyone that looks brown terrorists and they call east asians dog eaters, slant eyes, jackie chan etc. I do agree that they're the most white suck ups, but the ones that are born in the west are starting to realize the true nature of most racist white people. More people are getting more woke by the day

source: I'm cool with them, I even have some caadan friends as well. Im in Toronto though so everyone for the most part is cool with everyone, but Caadan people still are the most racist people.

Also I lurk r/Aznidentity from time to time and they hate white people just as much as black people

Check out the anti-white threads


I notice they’re the most hateful and racist towards resilient and non docile groups that don’t ass kiss them but are kind to docile white worshipping groups like East Asians lol I see through their hatred it’s nothing but fear
Alphas recognising fellow alphas. It's nothing more than that really. If only they knew we just want our fair share of beckies and don't care about taking over so they have nothing to fear.

It's the mexicans that have a bone to pick with them.


General Asad

And What Is Not There Is Always More Than There.
You see what Stormfront says

Whites are the number 1 enemy for the most part, there are some cool ones though
A pigskin is a pigskin. They are all dying when the race pops off. Small dicked cowards are #1 on most minorities lists and with their low birth rates, it looks like their on their way out. Mother nature has decided she does not like beta-humans on her wonderful planet :gaasdrink:
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Washington (CNN)I n the first few months of his administration, President Donald Trump asked then-acting Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke why he could not ban refugees from "f*****g Somalia" in a bout of rage at his Bedminster golf club.

The episode, detailed in the new book titled "Border Wars," reveals the President's belief that people from Somalia posed a danger to the US. Months earlier, Trump targeted foreign nationals coming to the US from eight countries, including Somalia, in his "travel ban" executive order.

"Both he and [Stephen] Miller seemed to have a particular dislike for Somalia, often citing it or its nationals when they spoke of the potential dangers of refugees and other immigrants," the book states.
CNN purchased a copy of "Border Wars," by The New York Times' Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Michael D. Shear, ahead of its official release.

In October 2017, weeks after Trump complained to Elaine Duke, the then-acting Homeland Security secretary received a call from White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller who insisted that Duke "shut off refugee flows from 11 countries the administration had identified as high-risk," particularly Somalia, according to the book. Duke refused.

The White House did not immediately return a request for comment.

Over the course of Trump's presidency, the administration has chipped away at the refugee ceiling -- the number of refugees who may be admitted to the United States. The administration set -- and met -- a cap of 30,000 for fiscal year 2019, a historic low. Last month, the State Department told Congress it intends to lower the cap further to 18,000.

"Border Wars" dives into the back and forth between career officials and Miller, who's been an active proponent of lowering the number of refugees admitted to the US. Davis and Shear describe Miller's campaign within the administration to undercut the program, including inserting unfounded claims about the dangers and costs of refugees into documents.

Last week, an excerpt from the book revealed that Trump suggested shooting migrants in the legs and fortifying the US-Mexico border wall with a water-filled trench with snakes and alligators, during an Oval Office meeting.

During the partial government shutdown earlier this year, senior officials gave Jared Kushner, senior adviser and Trump's son-in-law, a tutorial on immigration policy and politics. "Man," Kushner is quoted as saying in the book. "This thing has more landmines than Afghanistan."

Democrats and Republicans were at an impasse over immigration, especially the President's border wall. Kushner pulled together a negotiating team, asking questions about funding for the wall and closing legal loopholes.

Then-Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan -- now the acting Homeland Security secretary -- made clear that the wall along the southern border would do far less to cut illegal immigration than would closing loopholes.

"Kushner nodded, his jaw tight and his eyes wide," according to the book. "'OK,' he said, quietly. 'So we've wasted the last two years.'"
Sxb tell trump come outside. Come outside. Like K-money
