Lool if ilhan has any sense she should lay back little bit. She really dont want trumps actual focus. He is not a politician....he will go after you hard. But she is a dumbass and the dems has no problem sacrificing her and put her out there to gain sympathy. A muslim black hijabi woman is not gonna get more support than white nationalistic president
She is a mj woman and we all know they are stubborn as a mule. Does she not have a husband to tell her slow down before we become real targetI dont think she will. that woman LIVES for attention like this. She is right now flickering and fingering. I am sorry i mean Tweeting.
She is a mj woman and we all know they are stubborn as a mule. Does she not have a husband to tell her slow down before we become real target
Wasnt the first one gay and now a habar digir with no dhiig. She has a type.....how can a woman used to the softest men think she can take on an alpha like trump? She is in for rude awakening.Her husband is the softest habar gidir husband i ever saw. She wears the pants in the house. He is very mild mannered gentleman. in fact he acts like a noble mj and she acts like a warior habar gidir, they have reversed the roles
This is no new Trump. It’s been him all along. It’s weird how they’re applauding and reveling in it simply bc it’s directed toward the congresswomen (Ilhan included). They lost the plot.You guys are overreacting, he talks like this all the time its his shtick.
He's only legitimizing Ilhan and making her more powerful
This is no new Trump. It’s been him all along. It’s weird how they’re applauding and reveling in it simply bc it’s directed toward the congresswomen (Ilhan included). They lost the plot.
nayaa, i was gonna write that. damn, u have become me!Her husband is the softest habar gidir husband i ever saw. She wears the pants in the house. He is very mild mannered gentleman. in fact he acts like a noble mj and she acts like a warior habar gidir, they have reversed the roles
You guys live in fantasy world. @Basra lives in the real world. You are guest in a country and came yesterday and acting like you own the place. I hope trump deport all of you
Really some guest were slaves for long time and still treated as second class citizens. Some way to treat guest eh. You guys are asleep wallahi. One thing I like with jews is they know history and are never asleep.This isn't Europe, everyone is a guest in this country, its a nation of immigrants.