Trump declares national emergency

Omar del Sur

Trump declares national emergency

this man is depressing. I never supported Trump but... how can his platform be "America First" and supposedly uber-patriotism.....

and then a national emergency actually happens and he doesn't really respond until we're already in a crisis and the Coronavirus has tons of people over here infected?

I almost wonder if they deliberately allowed the virus to spread here.

Even if you're a white person who really believes in the "Make America White Again" platform what has this man really done? How many people exactly constitute the "we need to promote homo sex in Africa" demographic?

What exactly has this guy done?

This man's one accomplishment seems to be the normalization of memes involving Jews........

I remember when people were actually excited.... I remember watching videos of "snowflake libs get triggered" and Ben Shapiro saying facts don't care about your feelings and I was never really on the Trump train but some of the stuff did seem new and fun

is anyone actually excited about Trump anymore? when was the last time you saw something call him "god emperor" or saw someone really excited about him????

this guy reminds me of George Bush..... I remember so many people were behind Bush after 9/11.... then during the second term it was just not considered cool to be pro-Bush and it seemed like he was basically universally hated.....

I honestly wonder if the Coronavirus situation is going to sink his re election campaign..... I think it would if he was running against Bernie and not this guy who appears to have alzheimer's
Yes, I'm in the US. Everyone is freaking out about the virus.... possibly except me. Whatever happens, happens. I don't think there's a point in freaking out but.... it is very interesting to see what is happening.
Is the virus dangerous or are people hyping it.

