Trump Abuses Iran at UN


The only thing saving America and the New World and those rebel groups and peasants uniting is the fact the old world are suspicious of each other. For example if we unite with Russia, they're orthodox church is linked to that gaal wayn haile sellassie who is coptic it's like branch of them. Islam/Orthodoxy way is arkeen for thousands of years and one has to be on top of the other. As for Catholic it could be different as they're wasn't much wars with us besides one crusade.

But orthodox warkooda naga daa. Russia is good powerhouse to have except he has to honor tradition and u can't expect him to break it, everyone lives of history niyahow, not short term interest. Saudi-Uae may be right siding with America and hoping it's balanced on world matters since it's new world, new beginning, but JEWS are fkn powerhouses there sxb, your fighting an up hill battle constantly. Look at Ilhan omar and how she is basically leaving the scene of politics in SHAME. Anti semetism rule is what hurts the world, no-one should be banned from criticism but also you need to balance it with what they are good at also ppl are not all bad and all good, they're a mix or balanced all people.

The good jews probably thought a minority wouldn't recieve as much critcism being anti israel using the black card but what screwed them was HER NAME OMAR. They look at your name dadkani to see who u fighting for. They should've put african american on board there to take the charge on israel and see if this works. Better yet a native american to show the jews the pain of losing land and how they stand with israel, its all games waxani lol. good jews dont like bad jews..good americans hate bad americans, even inside somali some hate my view like cognissive
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I love trump wa sida reer nugaasha sxb, he speaks up front. No hiding cuz it doesnt solve nothing hiding shit. He is already buying land all over the place in the world, in the event liberal power is strong, he is basing it all over the place so his name LAST AS TRUMP and his kids can talk about his legacy like egypt talks about just little pyramids. Aduunka there is no guarantees he is right about that, all we know things change that's it, as human we agree on that, where it goes noone knows so ppl plan for future while keeping the'yre fort as strong as possible TILL IT LASTS.

I prefer americans its new world, they all came fleeing old world crap and know old world sucks and they hold onto grudges but some old world ppl dont let go off the old culture and assimilate which pisse them off meaning your an AGENT INSIDE, its the hardest thing to let go of your culture, land, history, father names, all the things u r and it's worst when u like native indian they at least got a reserve, americans arent that bad, australians are terrible niyahow, they shud pay levy to all aboriginal elders on anything in the land..thats why i dont like british sometimes and prefer americans. Everyone is devil in the world, noone is an angel, but some are quite worse then others and the way u can tell is just HISTORY NIYAHOW, we know if help orthodox again like we did with islam entering mid east back then when they were scrapping with catholics, it could turn back in on us like they hate us now. Like we cut deal with tigray and they then backstab us in the battle field in the old days and all this shit doesnt end.

New start. Lets try bantu africa, new world, no history that is ancient, fresh start is best ppl prefer fresh start they dont judge once they know what u did yesterday they never forgive u. Canada look how terrible they are not a cent to the natives who own the land, u shud be paying full levies on anything on the land buildings, roads, watever needs land they shud get a fair portion. But that depends on the leaders mercy and kings mercy, some do and some never DID. I don't remember bah dubays ever sadaqo land for any clan, so i cant judge others some clans do like bah dir for ali saleban. Everyone is different. We didnt even give it to sheikhaal they dont live nowhere near us, we wont even give for allah sake ka waran, cuz we know religion can be used for moryan purposes.

We only sadaqo garowe for PL but we ensured we got abdillahi yusuf birta dheer as INSURANCE he wasnt lying, not like the other clans who just walk around like shacab in my old town THAT MY FAMILY TALKS ABOUT LOVINGLY, when u hear them talk about u can see the love in they're eyes for theyre land and culture, u cant force this or teach it with knowledge. He even asked denmark for iceland trump sxb loooooooool LAND BARRON DAYS ARE NOT OVER, IT'S JUST A NEW GAME OF SUITS.

Trump is german his awoowe, so I doubt he will abadon his heritage for a JEW when his ancestors allowed him to survive to get to where he is today. His ancestors left him land, jews left him nothing but WORDS AND POLITICS, i doubt he trust them fully, how cud u sxb thats like us trusting habesha again surely we wud conceal it and play politically correct also but deep down its not happening and we know it. Iran cyrus leader helped jews then they come back threatening them, u wud be pissed also. Arabs did also in islamic golden age all they scholars are from there also they got them listed down. Europe did.

Only us in africa were terrible to them except ETHIOPIA, egypt wanted nothing to do with them but look at egypt now its knowledge its lost excepy pyramids or kush just pyramids in sudan lol a house doesnt tell me much, i wont knowledge, i need IDEAS, orally preserve it in poetry or write it down.

What hurts the jew is theyre on bad note with pretty much the whole KNOWN WORLD at the time they wandered. Heck even ethiopia, 500 years of war just cuz he was helping menelik family giving them spots in israel as monks and training them for LORD PROJECT OF ETHIOPIA, while the lord project of europe was on going. As Somali we never met jews the REAL one in Israel, we met they're AGENTS AMHARA and look how much we hate them, what u think IRAN/ARABS FEEL with the REAL JEW OR RUSSIANS OR GERMANS. SXB THE WORLD CANT BE WRONG AND ISRAEL IS RIGHT THEY MUST ACCEPT THIS THEYRE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THEM ALSO.
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